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Posts posted by ridleyreportcom

  1. 1 hour ago, almostfauxreal said:

    Hey, that's really sad to read!

    I had customers like this a couple times as well. You can do whatever you want, if they want to rip you off, they can.
    I also never got my money back through the customer service, even if it was clear that it wasn't my fault.

    For me it was not about the money but about the bad review or also bad ranking/stats afterwards that really made it worse. 
    That's actually something the customer service can help you with when you ask them nicely and explain (also with screenshots as proof).

    The platform changed a lot in the last years and maybe in the future sellers will get more protection as well. I think it's good to discuss those topics with the customer service or also participate in comminity meetings etc to let them know. I mean, if they are not sellers themselves how should they know. But sharing those stories will maybe help at some point.

    I've written or rewritten feature length screenplays and other projects, delivered them on time, and had the buyer demand revisions that they hadn't paid for--at least a dozen orders so far.  Worse, I get customers canceling as soon as I deliver the order to try to get the work done for free.  It's one thing that some of our gigs only bid out around $2-3 an hour for large projects, but to have some scammer cancel them after the fact--then leave a terrible review, preventing most buyers from ever seeing your work--is the last straw.

    And Fiverr does nothing for sellers, always siding with a canceling "buyer" even though this forces us to go to other websites for freelance work.  And this problem is also happening at Upwork, etc.

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