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Everything posted by ann_model

  1. this system has potential, i am testing it now... but there are many questions, things which should be solved... for example -stats with info about default/free traffic and paid promoted ads.... and info where are such promoted gigs... etc... so then it will be clear if promoted gigs give anything (has positive ROI) or no...
  2. this is true but only partially 🙂 Fiverr buy paid ads + also have big traffic from search engines like google etc. Using proper tools, having knowlege - we can know in what categories fiverr have traffic and where not. 🙂 This probably not many success manager know... 🙂
  3. Editing probably doesn't matter... but changing titles, tags, make proper packages etc have big impact on ranking, overall performance... of course the most important thing is good work and customer satisfaction 🙂
  4. Really great article. Thank you. What about revisions? Is it also a factor or daoesn't matter how many % customer ask for revision and how many revisions being sent before accepting order?
  5. There should be easy way to cancel some orders without impact on ranking (by support manually so support can see if such order is cancelled because of seller or for example "mistake" order by buyer)... Sometimes buyers don't read rules or information about gig and service 😞
  6. +1 for changing username (but in the same time not changing urls... so url for profile, gigs will be the same). Should be easy adnt he only way to make it good idea for both sites 🙂
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