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Status Updates posted by nickj2013

  1. I am a creative writer well-versed in the genre of horror fiction! I write feature length screenplaysshort filmsbook summariesshort stories, and video games. Need a freelancer for a future project? Give me a holler. 🙂

  2. Do you have an idea for a movie. But find the outlining process tedious, arduous, or too time consuming overall? I offer outlining services for horror and science fiction scripts and screenplays! Learn more


  3. If you need a professionally done, well-crafted synopsis or logline for a future project of yours. Visit my synopsis writing gig Here.

  4. Hey everyone! I am a creative, content and copywriter for hire. Whether it's original screenplays, book/film synopses, loglines, press releases, business names/slogans, or social media/influencer marketing — I will deliver on your project in a professional, and timely manner. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to send me a message here on Fiverr.




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