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Posts posted by callmefay

  1. 12 hours ago, bhawnakhurana said:

    Hi Fiverr,
    I only wish to give some powers to sellers as well, Some buyers take advantage of giving a potential review if we do not fulfill their unwanted/not-mentioned requirements like extra revision, including source file etc. etc. they don't give feedback when the project is completed, they come after a few days with some more changes/revisions, if we deny they can give a negative review as they have power. we are very much dependent on the buyer's attitude. and feedback after cancellation is also in their favor. we mutually canceled the order because of some misunderstanding or mismatch in requirements but they can still give feedback(can't be positive I believe).
    I hope you will consider it.


    Totally agree. Buyers have a lot more "power" over us sellers and it's just so unfair. This year I have become Level 2 seller, down from a Top Rated Seller for years, from (what I suspect) 2 bad ratings (both 1-star rating) from not-tech-savvy buyers who have misunderstood about:

    - How Fiverr's works and procedures of doing things

    - That there are 2 ways of communicating (through the Order page and Inbox)

    - Simply not paying attention to the gig description, what is included and not included within the package they choose

    I wish Fiverr can also give more education to the buyers. Because not all of buyers are tech-savvy, and they blame it all on the sellers, by giving bad review, despite of our best efforts to do the job, to explain, and also to ask help from Fiverr's Customer Support.

    For 2024 I hope for better work environment on Fiverr, better understanding between buyers and sellers, better support from Fiverr's Customer Support, and overall better quality of life for all of us here.

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