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Posts posted by computershowto

  1. Absolutely horrible, disgusting idea. 
    Here's the moment when Fiverr will go down the drain, just like all other platforms that implemented too much AI.

    PEOPLE working for other PEOPLE should have the CHOICE MADE BY SAID PEOPLE, NOT by some AI.

    Since they (Fiverr) started testing this feature by not allowing us at first, to select WHICH GIG we wanted to respond with, to a buyer's request, I have submitted many feedbacks about the fact that IT'S A BAD IDEA TO AUTOMATE to this level. 
    I had potential jobs/gigs lost, because TO A TRANSLATION JOB  the only gig that was selectable was BUILD A WORDPRESS WEBSITE, or vice-versa, for cases in which the customer was asking for A FULL-FLEDGED E-COMMERCE WEBSITE, the only thing I could answer with was FIX ERRORS ON WEBSITE. 

    This is just stupid, counterintuitive, and meaningless. 
    So yeah, the fact that this all-AI approach is taking over this platform too, even though it hurts most of sellers, is a clear sign of the fact that the leadership of the company never cared, and doesn't care for us sellers, and making a profit is not even the intention any more. 

    Well, Fiverr, it was nice in the beginning, but since you've started this more and more political correctness bullshit, AI this, automate that, DISCRIMINATE AGAINST THIS, against that... you ARE GOING DOWN THE DRAIN.


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