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The tip jar conondroum!


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Hi! I’m a seller, and so far I’ve been doing fairly well. Several of my customers have mentioned that they really like my job and would love to tip me in a way - a few of them have bought extra gigs from me, for instance.

But I don’t know, that seems a bit too overcomplicated. Why can’t fiverr create an “add tip” button or something of the sort? Just a suggestion 😉

In the same topic, I’ve seen some sellers create an extra “tip gig”, but I’m not sure how legal that is (well, legal according to the site rules). Is that a common practice? I was thinking of adding a link to a wishlist on ebay or amazon on my gig description, as a way of tipping me, but then again, I’m not really sure of the legality of that.

Any discussion would be greatly appreciated!

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Guest marsch001

I have thought about that too, because once a buyer left me a tip by creating a new gig - and as much as I appreciated that extra $10, I had to wait over a week for him to return to Fiverr to see my message about him needing to “send me something” to activate the gig. That makes things very complicated, both for me and unnecessary work for the buyer who was just being nice.

That said, how many sales “must” you have had before it’s “okay” in the eyes of other sellers and new buyers that you have a gig specifically for tips?

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I’d be interested to know how other sellers are handling this as well. I know that creating a separate gig for tips is a common practice and it’s been discussed here a LOT in various threads. However, I can’t seem to find a consensus.

So, for sellers who’ve had success making the separate tip gig work: How do you handle the “instructions” for the gig order to be activated? In other words, what do you tell your buyers in a tip gig to help them understand that they need to take an action in order for the tip to actually go to you? Do you mention these instructions in your tip gig description?

Next, at what general point do you feel it’s ok to start offering a tip gig? Obviously for someone who is brand new with only 1 or 2 (or no) sales it wouldn’t make sense to set up a gig like this out of the gate. However, it’s possible that a level 1 seller may have just as much right (according to orders completed, feedback etc.) to set up a tip gig as a level 2 or top-rated seller. What are anyone else’s thoughts on the matter?

I personally feel that the idea of setting up a tip gig doesn’t really have much to do with what level of seller you are so long as you’ve been completing orders on time, answering messages quickly and providing great customer service such that you’re receiving an exceptionally high amount of positive feedback (ergo, an actual reason to set up a tip gig in the first place). If your customers are mentioning that they’d like to tip you, that seems like a prime time to get a tip gig set up. In this case I’d take what your customers are saying or asking for into consideration more so than what other sellers think is acceptable. The only thing I can suggest (in terms of what’s acceptable) if you’re considering setting up a tip gig, is that you truly consider whether or not your work has been consistent and tip-worthy. If you feel it has and it shows in your rating and / or if your buyers are asking for ways to tip you, go ahead and set it up. Just don’t get greedy with it, You don’t want to risk turning current or potential buyers off by looking like you’re pushing the tip option on them.

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When I first started my “Tip Jar” gig, I too had trouble with the “instructions” thing. People were not realising that they had to issue instructions, so I ended up with lots of half-fulfilled gigs that I couldn’t collect on. I asked customer support for help, and they told me to remove the instuctions altogether - That way the fee is credited as soon as the gig is bought. I tried it and it works.

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I created a separate tip gig and I’ve had some takers. Definitely do not include instructions on your tip gig. Otherwise you create more work for the buyer. When I “deliver” my tip gig I just put a thank you in the message and its all done.

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dalafo said: But I don't know, that seems a bit too overcomplicated. Why can't fiverr create an "add tip" button or something of the sort?


Tip button or special type of gig just for tips is a great idea. Even with empty instructions in the tip gig it seems a bit complicated now. Buyer has to find this gig somewhere in my profile, pay, write thumbs up review... And seller has to do fake delivery, thumbs up again and set up this gig first of course. I think if there was "Tip $5-$10-$20" button at every order or profile page it will be much simpler for all of us and buyers will give more tips :)

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I have a “Tip” Gig set up because I have seen that many sellers have one. I have never had a tip 😦 although I have a couple of hundred sales and 100% Positive Rating, so I am very much impressed by those here stating that they are receiving tips from time to time.

Personally, I find it more valuable to have a Positive Review and a return customer than a tip, but I would agree that if Fiverr would put a “Tip” button together with the request for a review, it would be much better than us creating a Gig to that effect, at least much easier for the satisfied customer to show his/her gratitude. 🙂

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