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Delivery issues


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Thank you, but I don’t see that button, at the top there is “Waiting for info from buyer”, but we haver already spoken, then she sent me the order…


Oh, okay, I fear then your buyer didn´t yet fill out your gig requirement page, that means the order hasn´t ‘really’ started yet, but that means the countdown timer isn´t running either then, so you won´t be late, don´t worry.
You need to get your buyer to go to your gig requirement page and do what it says there, whatever you set up for your gig, like attaching a file or answering a question.

Here´s a post on that:

favicon.icoFiverr Forum default-apple-touch-icon.png

Troubleshooting: ORDER STATUS ‘INCOMPLETE’ – How to help your buyer to get it to...

It happens. Your buyer is new to fiverr, their English isn´t perfect, they haven´t ordered a gig asking for requirements yet, they got lost in the forest of dashboard pages, they can´t find their way back to the requirement page after their internet...

Reading time: 7 mins ? Likes: 68 ❤

Guest chakma_042

I am a new seller. never mind I suggest you Flow fiverr blog and reed I hope it is helping to you. Thank you and good luck.


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