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I hope to help me to review my gig


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Your profile introduction and your gig description need work. Since English isn’t your native language you might want to consider hiring someone to rewrite your text.

As for the gig image, play around maybe try a different image to see if you get more hits.

I also thought this was a great idea 👇

favicon.icoFiverr Forum

Add a PDF to improve your portfolio!

For every gig you can upload 3 images AND 2 Pdf files. If you work with photography or designs I recommend using a PDF template like this one to show more of your work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Your profile introduction and your gig description need work. Since English isn’t your native language you might want to consider hiring someone to rewrite your text.

As for the gig image, play around maybe try a different image to see if you get more hits.

I also thought this was a great idea 👇

favicon.icoFiverr Forum

Add a PDF to improve your portfolio!

For every gig you can upload 3 images AND 2 Pdf files. If you work with photography or designs I recommend using a PDF template like this one to show more of your work.

Thank you so much for your nice Suggestion.

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