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3 Questions I Dread


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Are you by any chance of that age where most people of your own age are married and/or settling down?

If so, I’m afraid that for as long as your own answers stay as they are, the words SERIAL and KILLER will be the first that pop up in people’s minds whenever you are in conversation with them. Get a dog and you might be able to ride it out until your late thirties without being pulled over and questioned by the local police whenever there is a missing person in the area.

After that, you should probably really think about moving or becoming homosexual just to keep the peace.

Actually it’s a mix. Not many people admit to being gay here though. Its about even with dating stories and ex wife/crazy girlfriend complaints. A lot of people have one or more dogs though (and not always the same ones). Actually a measurable number live at home well past my age (even after being married, or “married”). I think part of the problem is that only about 60% of the people over age 16 report they have a job.

the words SERIAL and KILLER will be the first that pop up in people’s minds

Actually they are no more likely to stand out than anyone else. Maybe the police should check with the people that have already killed someone first (they were ruled accidents, but who knows).

I wouldn’t be pulled over though. I don’t have a car. 😀

I think I may know who called the police on me though. They were probably mad because I pulled their yard waste out of the storm drain and let it empty. I think they were trying to collect money for a flooded basement and were mad because I messed up their plan.

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What do you do?

Are you married?

How old are you?

Easy, my dear. I do what I want, when I want and how I want. I’m not married, but he is 😉 and as for my age, well, what do you think?

The key is bluffering. Whip up a little controversy and nobody cares about the “big” and rather boring questions. Besides, where I am, you’re more likely to get a poke in the belly and “YOU’RE FAT” than anything else.

Or, you know, just tell 'em to piss off. No difficulty.


I always enjoy your comments. I promise I will always make statements and never ask you any questions! 🙂

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