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About Buyer Requests and Getting Paid

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Hey guys,

I need some advise. I recently got a gig through the buyer requests feature. This gig was for more than the usual fiverr. How does the buyer pay for this gig if gigs are only $5? Would the buyer need to order 3 x $5 gigs (if the “gig” I made was worth $15), or how do you go about this?

If anybody has been in such a situation before your advise will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance and regards.

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Well, Fiverr TOS states that your initial offer has to be $5. If the buyer on the hand requires more work than your initial offer, then they can order your gig multiple times. Always try to keep your gig $5 to stay within the TOS. Once you level up, you’ll be able to offer gig extras for add-on work.

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musiclover said: If the buyer on the hand requires more work than your initial offer, then they can order your gig multiple times.


And a buyer can help keep things clear by adding a simple note in the instruction box saying something like, " Order #1 of 3 for ______", then "Order #2 of 3 for ____", etc.


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