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What is wrong with my gig?


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I have this gig:


Before V2 is was getting 2-3 daily sales and made more than 500$ a month. It was great. My customers loved me and my work.

After V2: NOTHING!

Not a single sale and not even hits or views as far as I can tell by the limited analytics.

I just don’t get it. My gig is nowhere to be found in the search results while it was always the first hit for “german english” and similar. And it still is while searching with the old fiverr.

Please tell me what the bleepbloop is wrong.

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Reply to @alphacat: i contact them 3 times and get same responses: " Fiverr V2 includes a completely new search engine, which is (much like everything else in the new Fiverr) still in beta. It is a very powerful and dynamic search engine and we are currently tweaking it with a clear purpose of generating more business to our sellers and better, more relevant results, for our buyers. "

I have tried to edit my gig several times but it still don’t show up. Very disappointed 😦

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