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Requiest did not pass our review


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I have two times tried to post a request but the did not pass. What can be wrong and how do I get help. Any suggestions?

The job as I have posted it 🙂
New logo for our Business Intelligence Solution: BIBuilder4Dynamics The logo should include the name: BIBuilder4Dynamics The Logo should have some of the same design lines as our Company logo (green) Please provide - It would be great if your gig includes logo’s we can pick from - Possibilities for charge Revisions - High Res JPG + PNG file + I will prioritize offers that provide examples of some of your work = save me a lot of time 🙂

Best Regards

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Dear Troel:

You have a lot of special characters and emoticons, and Fiverr is notoriously picky about those things. You also have “charge” which could be construed for “pay” or “payment”.

I suggest you simplify the request with just the bare basics.

Once you weed out the incompetent Sellers, be prepared to have more detailed conversations with the ones who send remotely qualifying offers.

Understand that after having a detailed conversation about your specific needs, the Seller may need to revise their initial offer, which is based on very incomplete information due to the limitations of the Buyer Requests feature.

Buyer Requests don’t allow Sellers to send you samples directly, so plan to look at their gigs for samples.

Good luck,

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