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Iva fattura italia vs fiverr estero


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ciao qualche italiano con partita IVA che lavora su FIVERR ??

è obbligatorio??
devo scrivere nel mio profilo che ho la partita iva e poi fiverr fa tutto in automatico??
come bisogna regolarsi quando un cliente ci paga?
a chi intesto/faccio la fattura??
devo spedire fattura cartacea??

grazie in anticipo

From Google Translate:

hello some Italian with a VAT working on Fiverr ??
is required??
I have to write in my profile that I have the vat and then fiverr does everything automatically ??
as you have to adjust when a customer pays us?
who intesto / do the bill ??
I have to send paper invoices ??
Thanks in advance

Mod Note: Please post in English to avoid post delays. The moderators need to be able to review posts. Thanks.

From Google Translate:

hello some Italian with a VAT working on Fiverr ??
is required??
I have to write in my profile that I have the vat and then fiverr does everything automatically ??
as you have to adjust when a customer pays us?
who intesto / do the bill ??
I have to send paper invoices ??
Thanks in advance


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