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Decline in sales after re-activating gigs!....Think before you suspend your gigs


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Hey Fiverr sellers!..just wanted to give a tip after what i have experienced.

I had recently suspended my gigs on fiverr as i was on vacation.Before suspending my gigs got good number of customers.But after activating my gigs again,my sales have declined drastically.This month i got just 2 orders,when before i used to get minimum 10 orders a month.

So just a small yet worthy tip to my dear fiverr sellers is to please think before you suspend your gigs because you might not be able to retain or get customers as you used to.

Thank you! Hope it is resourceful!

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sheeeet really ? hmmm im not sure … did you maybe lose your ranking in the search engine results ? you sound like you dropped off the radar hun ? or your gig is lost now amongst the 1000’s , find out what customer support has say on the issue ? … but i think your ranking foothold is the likely culprit ??? .

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First snomzzz it makes sense that you loose clients when you suspend your Gig, it’s like having a shop and closing for holidays, your customers see your shop closed, they need the service, and they will go elsewhere. Secondly it would make sense that your Gig gets lower on the searches while you have suspended it. Then third, as cheezees suggested it, it might be the V2 effect that has caused your sales to drop, we seem to all be suffering from it at the moment. I questioned support on the subject, and they assured me that things will come right and even be better than before shortly. So keep faith and do what you were doing before, or more 😉

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I think it depends on the status previous to suspending it snomzzz.

My featured voicemail gig I had suspended for almost a month, came back and it was still featured and regained sales.

(however, V2 has caused some issues with sales)

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