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Wish February had more days


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My personal theory is that the team that has to approve the requests for ‘National Gumdrop Day’ or ‘International Clean out you Computer Day’ and so on just couldn´t anymore on a Feb 28th and knew they wouldn´t be able to fulfill the deadline for Feb 29, so they stopped February there and in commemoration of those unsung heroes Feb 29-30/31 got dumped once and for all.

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My personal theory is that the team that has to approve the requests for ‘National Gumdrop Day’ or ‘International Clean out you Computer Day’ and so on just couldn´t anymore on a Feb 28th and knew they wouldn´t be able to fulfill the deadline for Feb 29, so they stopped February there and in commemoration of those unsung heroes Feb 29-30/31 got dumped once and for all.


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I’m so sorry I forgot to send a card!
Glad you had something to take your mind off it though, Barca getting hammered was nice to see too.
The 28 day thing is weird, it really messes up the “30 days has September” rhyme too - “Save February, which alone has 28…” - it just doesn’t sound right.

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