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Starting out on fiverr - New salesman questions!


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Hello everyone!

I’ve recently joined fiverr after hearing about it from one of my friends who uses it frequently to sell some of her products. I’m currently a little lost on a small number of things, namely how to begin advertising services I offer (and may offer in the future) as well as how to go about advertising these without sounding like someone who’s desperate for customers.

As it stands I can only offer two gigs, and those are both severely limiting and commonly done (Pet advice & Short story revising). I’m currently only a college student without even an associate’s degree in vet tech yet, so I’m assuming it will be hard for me to get a foothold in here amongst many others who have a bachelor’s or even master’s degree in these fields. Is there any way I could help improve my chances as a college student when attempting to attract potential customers?

I have also noticed that my gigs have not turned up any hits at all (No one has even looked at my services) despite two of my friends telling me they have visited it. Is it something that updates weekly? If so, that seems a little odd if you were looking for accurate statistics.

Finally, for some reason Fiverr has registered my residential country as Kiribati, a very small island nation a number of miles south of Hawaii. Why is that? I have tried changing it to America, but I don’t seem to be able to… Help would be highly appreciated on this!

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As far as advertising your services, you should include your fiverr link under your email signature. Every time you send an email, the link will be there and always, or when possible, invite people to hit your link and see what you offer.

Social Media is big here. Tweet, Pin, Facebook as much as you can. You will not sound desperate as long as you believe you are offering a service and try working your link and services into appropriate threads. Go to short story writing sites, hang out in the forums for a bit and offer your fiverr service.

Any selling is a numbers game. For every 10 attempts, you may only get one sale but that’s sales.

Drop a line to Cust. Serv. for your geography challenge. I’m surprised that if you go back into settings or your profile you can’t change it but give it a shot or send something into cust service…

Good Luck!


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Hi Jeffery,

Welcome to the world of Fiverr! Your immediate goal must be your first sale, once done, others will follow. Everything and anything sells on Fiverr so I don’t see why your Gigs won’t sell, they are interesting, so why not?

noirel said: amongst many others who have a bachelor's or even master's degree in these fields.

I have not even completed primary school and that did stop me from making $2,420 with my Gigs in the past 4 months (it's little compared to many top sellers).

So keep going, you will get there.

Regarding the hit counter, it is not working very well, hopefully the new version of Fiverr will fix that, so don't depend on it to monitor your progress.

I suggest that you also use the "Buyer Requests" function to offer your Gigs to registered buyers looking for your type of Gigs (a lot of my business comes from it).

Best wishes of success Jeffery (your friend is right, there is money to be made on Fiverr).

John ;)
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Guest andrap

I joined Fiverr four days ago and was surprised to see that I’ve already hit more than 10 sales-what advice I would give you is to be confident in the services that you’re offering; I am also a college student in my freshman year, but if you think you’re not qualified enough, it’s hard for buyers to think otherwise.

As long as you portray your services as being top-quality, buyers are more inclined to give you a chance and order your first gigs, even if you don’t have a bachelor’s or a master’s degree yet-just make sure that when you deliver, your work truly is to the standard you’re trying to sell, be polite and professional.

Other tips would be to add a video, or a picture that is not too generic, and to offer your gig to buyers-you’re limited to one offer a day, but as long as you use it wisely, that might just be your first sale!

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Reply to @noirel: Just my opinion , but are your gigs listed in the right or best categories ? plus animal care advice is targeting i feel a smaller niche market of Fivver clientele and story writing is real saturated on here aswell , if you want to proceed with them … they will need to standout , so making vids show casing them is a must !! all the best hun . x

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Thank you everyone for your replies! I have already done my first sale and am currently waiting for confirmation & a review from the purchaser on how I’ve done. And thanks to him, I have found out I’m able to expand to a couple more available gigs I can do as well that I didn’t think about doing before, so I’m highly thankful to him for that!

Reply to @naturalmystic1: I am very sure they are listed in the best possible categories for the services I describe and offer.

Reply to @magellon: Thank you so much for these tips and advice offers. I’ve taken them to heart and noted them, I’ll be sure to advertise as much as I can where I can so I can ensure I make the largest pool of customers and sales that I can.

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ok nice I’ve got 1 cat myself , hence i look forward to reading your future reviews ! … another thought came to mind it seems you could do diagonal’s for any pet illnesses or elements , something as a pet owner myself i would find very useful and would purchase from you .

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Reply to @noirel: I would maybe suggest making a gimmick of your pet advice in a new gig using something to the effect of “How to make your dog do this” Or “How to get your cat to stop doing this”. Then if you offer a personalized answer with detailed knowledge and info, maybe a short video, you would be offering a great service! Good Luck and just know that fiverr does work and if you put in the effort it will certainly pay off 🙂

Let me know if you ever need any graphics, or banners for your gigs.


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Reply to @noirel: That’s great about your sale!! I’m waiting on a buyer’s review and also for Fiverr to mark my sale as complete!! I got my first sale in one day but then since then, Zilch!!! Lets hope I can clock in some sales too

I mostly do review work for authors and I feature them on my blog!! Hoping Fiverr will help me with earning some money

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