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Customer Massages Get Ghosted In Fiverr V2


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I have been using V2 for a week now and yes my orders have dropped by 50 - 60%

Anyway I reverted to V1 and Boom I’ve got messages from buyers saying XYZ…

These messages never even showed up on V2.

So I have decided to Boycott V2 totally and just use V1

I Suggested all sellers do the same…

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I noticed this in V2 but I found out why it happens. It seems like the inbox menu and the notifications drop down work differently. The messages you get from orders will always appear in the drop down, but the ones you get from regular contact are only displayed one time in that menu and then you only see them in your inbox option.

At least this has worked for me in V2 and to be honest it does make it much easier to work than V1 did. I know there are bugs, but as far as order delivery and monitoring your deadlines V2 is way better.

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I’ve just gotten into the habit of checking 3 locations in V2 as soon as I log in for the day: ToDo, notifications and Inbox. So far I haven’t had any issues with missing messages. I check these 4 or 5 times a day just to be sure though.

Also, you do get notifications of new messages (in-order or regular contact) in the email associated with your Fiverr account. I have an android phone, so I purposely set up a specific gmail account just for Fiverr so that I get those emails directly on my phone. I take my phone and iPad with me just about everywhere I go, so I can always get notifications of new messages in my email and then use the iPad to respond to those that just can’t wait (easier to type with than on my phone). Seems like I’ve heard a lot of people mention that they’re missing messages on V2, but if they’re coming to your email and you’re checking that email often then the version of Fiverr you use shouldn’t really matter. The only problem would be if you get notifications of new messages in your email but then can’t access them on the site at all. That would be a big problem, but so far I haven’t heard anything like that or experienced it myself.

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I’ve just gotten into the habit of checking 3 locations in V2 as soon as I log in for the day: ToDo, notifications and Inbox. So far I haven’t had any issues with missing messages. I check these 4 or 5 times a day just to be sure though.

Also, you do get notifications of new messages (in-order or regular contact) in the email associated with your Fiverr account. I have an android phone, so I purposely set up a specific gmail account just for Fiverr so that I get those emails directly on my phone. I take my phone and iPad with me just about everywhere I go, so I can always get notifications of new messages in my email and then use the iPad to respond to those that just can’t wait (easier to type with than on my phone). Seems like I’ve heard a lot of people mention that they’re missing messages on V2, but if they’re coming to your email and you’re checking that email often then the version of Fiverr you use shouldn’t really matter. The only problem would be if you get notifications of new messages in your email but then can’t access them on the site at all. That would be a big problem, but so far I haven’t heard anything like that or experienced it myself.

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