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Anything I should change on my profile, not getting sales?

Guest christian_walke

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Guest christian_walke

I’m new to fiverr and it would mean a lot if someone could check out my profile to see if there is anything I should fix. I’ve been on this site for 4 days now and haven’t gotten any sales.


Dear Christian:

In answer to your question, you have unrealistic expectations if you’re disappointed that you’ve not already made sales. You need to do a lot of research to understand the many complexities of Fiverr (please see Tips at the end of this post). It may takes hours, days, weeks, or months, to make 1 sale, much less get established. For a New Seller with only 1 Review (which means you’ve made a sale, so I don’t understand why you say you haven’t gotten any sales, but whatever), you probably should set the starting point for all your gigs to $5, and learn to build from a low entry:


I took a quick look at your profile:

Your profile image: I suggest a closeup of your face from the front, dressed as a professional rather than as a student.
Your log line: No suggestions.
Your profile text – note the edits: You have an extra space after the first comma, but other than that, no suggestions.
All your gigs should have video, 3 images, 2 pdfs, and so on…

Make a video of yourself talking to the camera, because this approach garners IMMEDIATE RESULTS. Include additional samples in the video!

Given your picturesque surroundings, you might be a good candidate for a “holding a sign” gig.

Good luck,

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Be sure to make use of Tools like the Fiverr Blog, Fiverr Academy, and Fiverrcast.

As a general rule, when I have time to participate in the Fiverr Forum and I notice a request like yours in the “Improve My Gig” section, I am willing and able to look at a Seller’s Profile and one gig one time.

I can give you a better level of assistance if you first work your way through the checklist below. That way, I won’t waste your one turn by advising you to follow items on the checklist. Please study this thread to better appreciate what I’m talking about here.

Here’s a thread discussing a specific example of a Buyer Request for which I created a gig and then asked for help improving that gig via the forum.

Improve My Gig Checklist
Seller Tip Trilogy
3 Top Tips and Tricks
How Do I Attract Buyers to My Gig?
Buyer Requests 1
Buyer Requests 2
Tips for Non-Native English Speakers
Sellers Instructionals from a Techies POV
Video Tutorial
SEO Idea
54 Sales in Our First Month
7 Tips for Upselling
Social Media Gig Marketing
Managing Buyer Expectations
Gig Tweaks
Digital Copyright
Gig Images
Fiverrcast Questions
Fiverr’s Cut
Warning Signs of a Potentially Troublesome Buyer
What URLs Can I Use?
Fiverr Terms of Service
How to Make Millions on Fiverr


I would try getting work from people you know. This will get you some sales and reviews under your belt. There are 8000 people doing photo editing and it will take some effort to break into the market.

I would consider dropping your delivery time to 24 hours. You can change this for future orders the minute that you start getting multiple orders.

I would create a business video scenario for your video editing gig. Business people will be more frequent and will have more money to spend. Testimonial video edits, Business promos, etc.

It may take several weeks to see some movement - be patient. If you wait for organic leads in Fiverr, it may take 3-4 months. If you find clients from friends and associates, you could get the ball moving much quicker.

People will be more comfortable ordering after you have a good number of great reviews.

Best of luck!


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