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What would you rate my gig video?



16 members have voted

  1. 1. poll2

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From a scale of 1-10 how would you rate my overall gig video?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10


Would you buy my gig based of off my gig video? [poll name=poll2 type=multiple min=1 max=4 public=true]

  • no
  • maybe
  • yes
  • absolutely

Do you think theres more improvements? I tried making it simple as possible… i’d like to update it in the future when it gets outdated to improve it even further! What do you think you like to see, I’m interested!


Dear Sandres:

I took a quick look at your profile:

Your profile image: No suggestions.
Your log line: Is grammatically incorrect. I suggest you come up with another one, bearing in mind that Fiverr bans certain punctuation.
Your profile text – note the edits:

I have 9 years of experience with PhotoShop, and I am highly creative in filmmaking and editing. I’ve directed and acted in several films. I’m here to help YOU! -Sandres

The profile page just does not lend itself to the bullet point format you attempted.

I suspect that you’re going to get a message from the Fiverr Editors telling you that you cannot have a link to your YouTube Channel. I suggest you ask in this thread: Fiverrcast Questions. Maybe it won’t happen. You have the same issue in your testimonial gig. I can’t explain it, I’m just giving you a heads-up. I strongly suggest you remove those links yourself before Fiverr gives you headaches, until such time as Fiverr nails down just who can post what links where. Please disregard this if you’ve already hashed this out with Support.

You have to address the issue of just where you were born, because you don’t come across as a native English speaker. So many Buyers have been burned by Sellers who claim to be from the US when they aren’t, they may stay away if they think you’re trying to pull a fast one.

Your video is technically proficient, but you come across as stiff in some places. I suggest you re-iterate. Your gig is new, so you’ll probably refine it over time, anyway.

You’re kind of like theadtwins, except there seems to be just one of you. Can you clone yourself a couple of times? Then you’d be the ad triplets, and that would give you a leg up.

I suggest you study their gigs and use their videos as a metric for comparison. All these different options, especially video quality, should probably be gig extras, or gig packages. I get that you’re starting off by offering steep discounts, but with a $5 starting point, you shouldn’t have to wait to charge for these extras.

You probably need to specify that you don’t make gig videos for Fiverr, and you probably need to make sure you’re complying with the waiver rules discussed elsewhere on the Fiverr Forum:
favicon.icoFiverr Forum default-apple-touch-icon.png

FTC Crackdown on Marketers & Actors who are not adding disclosures

Recently, Fiverr added this to every Seller's gig under the sub-category Spokesperson & Testimonials..."Sellers in this category are actors. The testimonials they provide on your behalf are paid, promotional materials, and you should indicate this to...

Reading time: 2 mins ? Likes: 11 ❤

In general, your prices seem awfully low, and your script needs tweaking. “You can custom your order” should probably be: “You can customize your order.”

Good luck,

[details=Click Here for TOP SECRET Tips and Tricks
Never Contact a Seller on Fiverr to Ask for FREE STUFF!]
Be sure to make use of Tools like the Fiverr Blog, Fiverr Academy, and Fiverrcast.

I suggest you check out Fiverrcast episode 08: Working Through Language Barriers.

If you take the time to earn your Autobiographer Badge, particularly adding a link to your Fiverr profile, other forum participants will be able to easily view your information.

As a general rule, when I have time to participate in the Fiverr Forum and I notice a request like yours in the “Improve My Gig” section, I am willing and able to look at a Seller’s Profile and one gig one time.

I can give you a better level of assistance if you first work your way through the checklist below. That way, I won’t waste your one turn by advising you to follow items on the checklist. Please study this thread to better appreciate what I’m talking about here.

Improve My Gig Checklist
Seller Tip Trilogy
3 Top Tips and Tricks
How Do I Attract Buyers to My Gig?
Buyer Requests 1
Buyer Requests 2
Tips for Non-Native English Speakers
Sellers Instructionals from a Techies POV
Video Tutorial
SEO Idea
54 Sales in Our First Month
7 Tips for Upselling
Social Media Gig Marketing
Gig Tweaks
Digital Copyright
Gig Images
Fiverr’s Cut
Warning Signs of a Potentially Troublesome Buyer
What URLs Can I Use?
Fiverr Terms of Service
How to Make Millions on Fiverr


This post scheme looks familiar! 😁

There, voted.

I’d like to see a bit more of “previous work” in there. As a potential buyer I wouldn’t hassle to go to your youtube channel.


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