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Getting more sales in slow times

Guest deleciahenry285

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Guest deleciahenry285

Sometimes there can be so many sales in my queue that I have to go on vacation mode before I am overbooked, and there are times when the well goes dry. So when these winter days come along, there are things that I find that can increase sales.

1. Contact Pass Clients In Your Inbox📙

Always good to have a relationship with your clients after your delivery is completed. Fiverr is a marketplace, so that means that you’re in constant competition for buyer’s attention among other sellers. If you have pass clients, half the work is already done. Spend time to interact with them. A simple “Hi” or “how are you doing” can get you some sales.

Pros- This could remind them of your existence and make them feel like more than just a paying customer. Helps build loyalty

Cons- Can be annoying if you do it too much. You could be ignored.

2. Running a Promotion 📈

Promotions are wonderful for getting more sales and add fresh clients into your list. Remember how you really wanted that awesome shoes (whatever your preference is ) but waited until they were on sale to get them? This is the same thing but instead of a store, you’re using Fiverr and the Buyer’s Request to where you’ll be clients.

Depending on what your gigs are about, the buyer’s request will have clients request matching what you do. You get 10 offers each day.
Think about what you’re clients would like, construct a simple -copy and paste offer and send it out your possible clients.

Pros- increase in sales 😉, new clients and the thrill of the challenge.

Cons- Ensure to take on only work that you can handle. Too much work, too little time can equal unsatisfied customers and late deliveries. Remember that reviews are the life’s blood of your business on Fiverr. Don’t be afraid to hit that vacation button if you’re overbooked.

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