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TIPS left for small gigs, more than large gigs?


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Hey friends.
I’d love to know if it is just me who noticed this, but I get a ton of tips for a lot of my small gigs, while for any of the large projects I work on, (and there are a lot) clients are not so inclined to leave a tip…

Why is that?
Perhaps they already spent a lot and can not afford more?

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@capitalquality made a nice topic about that here -
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More likely to tip for smaller gigs?

I've noticed an interesting phenomenon. This year, I paused all my time-eating gigs. You know the ones - you quote for 4 hours work for $100 and it turns into 2 days work for $100. I stopped them because the time I spent on them was unpredictable...

Reading time: 3 mins ? Likes: 12 ❤

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@capitalquality made a nice topic about that here -

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More likely to tip for smaller gigs?

I've noticed an interesting phenomenon. This year, I paused all my time-eating gigs. You know the ones - you quote for 4 hours work for $100 and it turns into 2 days work for $100. I stopped them because the time I spent on them was unpredictable...

Reading time: 3 mins ? Likes: 12 ❤

Oh wow, thanks !

Guess I wasnt the only one who noticed ! 🙂

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I get $7 or $9 tips. Why is this?

Dear Miss Crystal:

Everybody knows 7 is a lucky number, but what about 9?

According to Wikipedia:

Nine is a Motzkin number. It is the first composite lucky number, along with the first composite odd number. 9 is the only positive perfect power that is one more than another positive perfect power, by Mihăilescu’s Theorem. Nine is the highest single-digit number in the decimal system.

Perhaps your tippers think these dollar amounts are propitious?

Good luck,


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