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Buyers are relally from heaven

Guest jeniff3r

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Guest jeniff3r

hii i have 2 month active on fiverr . i did orders since , buyers who i met really awesome comfortable and communi cative and alwways leave tip for my works


hii i have 2 month active on fiverr . i did orders since , buyers who i met really awesome comfortable and communi cative and alwways leave tip for my works


communi cative and alwways

You aaare sooo locky dude, osum buyerrz

Guest raziahmer

Dear jeni i need your some help regard to my work
i am a new seller and i need to know how i can work on this
and how i increase my ordors


I love having nice customers. I usually go overboard with people who are kind and respectful of my work. Lately I’ve been getting d-bag rude customers. I just cancel their order and tell them to go to someone else.

Guest jeniff3r

I love having nice customers. I usually go overboard with people who are kind and respectful of my work. Lately I’ve been getting d-bag rude customers. I just cancel their order and tell them to go to someone else.

i always do that for emergency orders they demand only 24 hours for 2day’s works.

Guest jeniff3r

Dear jeni i need your some help regard to my work

i am a new seller and i need to know how i can work on this

and how i increase my ordors


buyer reuest is the only way

Guest jeniff3r


communi cative and alwways

You aaare sooo locky dude, osum buyerrz

thank youv very much im trying to get level 1 soon


Your word is “vichyssois”.

Good luck, Contestant #1.

This forum format has a rather challenging hurdle to overcome if we’re to do a spelling be.



This forum format has a rather challenging hurdle to overcome if we’re to do a spelling be.


Congratulations, Contestant #1, for overcoming all obstacles and defeating all challengers!



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