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Troubleshooting: ORDER STATUS ‘INCOMPLETE’ – How to help your buyer to get it to ‘IN PROGRESS’ (or: The Trouble with T̶r̶i̶b̶b̶l̶e̶s̶ Gig Requirements)


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It happens. Your buyer is new to fiverr, their English isn´t perfect, they haven´t ordered a gig asking for requirements yet, they got lost in the forest of dashboard pages, they can´t find their way back to the requirement page after their internet crashed, or all of that, or whatever else. They don´t do it on purpose to annoy you either way, remember they ordered your gig, yay!, because they think it´s awesome and they are looking forward to your delivery.

Now you stand there with an accepted order, but it shows as ‘Incomplete’ on your dashboard and you wait for them to do whatever your gig requirements are (answer a question, write some info, pick an answer from your multiple choice question, attach a file), but they seem lost. And of course you want to help them.

As long as the order status is ‘Incomplete’
(even if you already have all info/files you need for the job, from BR or from an inbox conversation prior to the order)
the order is in your ‘Active Orders’ list, but not on your ‘To Do’ list and there is no delivery button, so you will have to get the order from ‘Incomplete’ to ‘In Progress’ eventually, so you can deliver and receive your payment and your buyer can receive the work they paid for.

If you know your buyer already, and they have ordered and submitted requirements before, you probably can just wait or, if they tend to forget about that, or time is an issue, nicely remind them with an inbox message, or push the ‘Nudge’ button (though that one will send your buyer this canned fiverr message, so you may want to rather send them a normal inbox message with your own words).

But if your buyer asks you for help, or you have the feeling they might be stuck, you can try one or more of the following:

  • Describe to them, as simply and clearly as you can, what your gig requirement page asks for, so they might be able to find it, tell them what they need to do once they found it

    e. g. “Hello, I see that the order has not gone through completely yet, you’ll have to attach your file where it asks for it on the order requirement page of your order.

    or “Hello, thank you for accepting my offer, now to get it from ‘Incomplete’ to ‘In Progress’ status, you just have to reply to the question on the format you want on the order requirement page of that order, so that I can start to work on it.”

    or “Hello, thank you for ordering my gig, once you will have answered the two multiple choice questions on the gig requirements page on your order and have attached your file there, I can get to work right away.”

    or (whatever applies in your case)

  • After your personal text according to the requirements of your gig the buyer ordered, you could write something like this:

    Please click this link to find the order (while logged in):


    (replace ‘your_buyers_username’ with the username of your buyer!!!)
    (replace ‘the_order_number’ with the number of the order, without the # )

    Please click the View Requirements button, then attach your file to the box that says ‘mandatory requirement’ (or write your information in the box or whatever your requirements are), and then click the Start Order button.

  • Give them these 2 links, they might not have read this yet and especially if your or their English isn´t perfect, maybe fiverr’s explanations will be understood better:

This link explains all cases of possible ORDER STATUS, ‘Incomplete‘ being the first one:


This link explains how to place an order, the relevant part is the last one, 5.:


If none of that works, you can ask your buyer to contact Customer Support or contact them yourself, with the order number, so they can look into it and suggest or find a solution.

Link to CS:

Order Support > Order Inquiry might be good choices from the dropdown menu.

relevant quotes from the above linked fiverr-pages:

(Order Status)

When an order is marked as Incomplete, the buyer is still required to submit the requested information for the seller to complete the order. The order status can not be adjusted until the buyer replies to the seller’s instructions.
Note: As sellers, you can leave this section blank if you do not require any further information.
A buyer will see a large orange ribbon indicating a reply to the instructions is required to start the order.
A seller will see an option to “Nudge” your buyer to notify them to reply to the instructions. After a week has passed from the original order creation, a seller can cancel the order without any harm to their cancellation ratio or ratings.

(Placing an Order)

5.After your order processes, you will need to fill out requirements so that your seller can start working. In the requirements area, fill out all the necessary details and attach files (if needed) and click Start Order.
Note: If you placed the order as a guest (and didn’t log in), you have two options to complete your order.
• The first option is to register as a new user by either clicking the link or connecting through Facebook or Google Connect.
• The second option is to use your existing login details if you’re already a registered user.
Both options will link your order. Once you link your order, make sure to submit requirements to the seller if needed. Afterwards, all you just have to sit back and wait for your delivery



+1 for usefulness.

I will probably just use this myself in future. Hello, future buyer!

Thanks, though I wrote it to have an opportunity to smuggle tribbles into the forum, not for usefulness.


lol yes, lots of good tips, for instance, if you´re coming to Germany on your Europe in 7 days trip or so, put on a Jack Wolfskin jacket, Birkenstocks and keep a Jägermeister in one or both hands all the time and you totally will look like a local.
But, yes…completely tribbleless 😕

[edit: If you wonder why this post doesn´t make any sense, it made sense until the post above got deleted. That is, in so far as my posts make sense in the first place. However, I do not usually talk to myself. Well, not on the forum and in written form either way.]


lol yes, lots of good tips, for instance, if you´re coming to Germany on your Europe in 7 days trip or so, put on a Jack Wolfskin jacket, Birkenstocks and keep a Jägermeister in one or both hands all the time and you totally will look like a local.

But, yes…completely tribbleless 😕

[edit: If you wonder why this post doesn´t make any sense, it made sense until the post above got deleted. That is, in so far as my posts make sense in the first place. However, I do not usually talk to myself. Well, not on the forum and in written form either way.]

OK. Here is a slightly annoying tribble song, with added tribbles.

I prefered the socks and sandals Germans myself. All that was missing was the hiking stick and local map.


As long as Mr. Nimoy doesn´t sing, and there be tribbles, it´s all good, this video shall not be flagged. 😉

Ah, you’ve just reminded me of The Shat’s amazing song catalog. Truly, a man of many talents.


Hey I know a totally peaceful forum topic, which couldn´t ever lead to trouble, let´s talk about what everyone’s favourite star trek flavour is…or…you know…just forget it. Let´s not talk about that.


Hey I know a totally peaceful forum topic, which couldn´t ever lead to trouble, let´s talk about what everyone’s favourite star trek flavour is…or…you know…just forget it. Let´s not talk about that.

I was thinking about making a post about methods of relaxing when not at work, but the mod banhammer would come down on that fast.

To be fair, the mods would know exactly what I was doing with that post.


If one could sell tribbles for 5$ each on fiverr, if one calls them something else and doesn´t use the words ‘star’ or ‘trek’ either, or do the TOS say something against selling animals?

That sounds like an interesting post though. And Frankie would have a nice video to start it off.


Well, there you have it! The German video–despite being better than the Tribble one–is gone.

Let’s hope the flaggers never visit the town of F[surprise]! In Austria.


Well, there you have it! The German video–despite being better than the Tribble one–is gone.

Let’s hope the flaggers never visit the town of F[surprise]! In Austria.

That could be another good post actually “funny town names”. England and Australia would pretty much win this, though.


Oh and see, this is my pet peeve - now there´s 2 posts of mine as if I´d talk to myself, well, I do, but not on the forum. If at least a placeholder of deleted or self-deleted posts would stay.


Oh and see, this is my pet peeve - now there´s 2 posts of mine as if I´d talk to myself, well, I do, but not on the forum. If at least a placeholder of deleted or self-deleted posts would stay.

Powys (“poo-is”) is a favorite Welsh one of mine.


A funny town names thread might be too suspicious title wise, maybe a Limericks part 2, with very very short Limericky fun poetry reminding of town names.


Oh and see, this is my pet peeve - now there´s 2 posts of mine as if I´d talk to myself, well, I do, but not on the forum. If at least a placeholder of deleted or self-deleted posts would stay.

Oh and see, this is my pet peeve - now there´s 2 posts of mine as if I´d talk to myself, well, I do, but not on the forum. If at least a placeholder of deleted or self-deleted posts would stay.

You could edit one and say something meaningful to yourself. 🙂 Unfortunately the placeholder still allows some users with high trust levels to read the flagged post and that was fine, but some folks complained about the hidden posts being viewable. Sigh…


Oh and see, this is my pet peeve - now there´s 2 posts of mine as if I´d talk to myself, well, I do, but not on the forum. If at least a placeholder of deleted or self-deleted posts would stay.

You could edit one and say something meaningful to yourself. 🙂 Unfortunately the placeholder still allows some users with high trust levels to read the flagged post and that was fine, but some folks complained about the hidden posts being viewable. Sigh…

placeholder still allows some users with high trust levels to read the flagged post and that was fine, but some folks complained about the hidden posts being viewable.

Oh I see. Yeah, but it´s so much work to go back and look at all your having become meaningless posts and self-censor them 😉 Don´t worry, I know, a mod’s job is, well, you get loads of things to sigh for as a mod, and if you´re lucky even nice things like threats for doing your job on top. Mod away, we just relax a bit in here, one post more or less doesn´t matter, as long as the tribbles content is high enough.


placeholder still allows some users with high trust levels to read the flagged post and that was fine, but some folks complained about the hidden posts being viewable.

Oh I see. Yeah, but it´s so much work to go back and look at all your having become meaningless posts and self-censor them 😉 Don´t worry, I know, a mod’s job is, well, you get loads of things to sigh for as a mod, and if you´re lucky even nice things like threats for doing your job on top. Mod away, we just relax a bit in here, one post more or less doesn´t matter, as long as the tribbles content is high enough.

Occasionally appearing insane by talking to yourself could be seen as a virtue. 🙂 Tribble on.


Why would anyone complain about hidden naughty posts?!?

I love hidden naughty posts! Until I open them up and discover my imagination was more fun.


I just click the “Nudge Buyer” button

Yes, I mentioned the ‘just wait or nudge’ approach in the post, but as Maddie says. Some buyers don´t find the page where they need to attach their file or reply to questions or such.

And especially if the buyer needs the work urgently and it can´t happen, because they don´t get their order really active, this might help.

It also helps me with my planning and time management, if my accepted offers don´t stay in limbo forever and I maybe can´t accept new jobs in the meantime, because I don´t know if or if not those accepted orders will come through eventually.

I had a few cases where the order just stayed on ‘Incomplete’ in spite of the buyer trying and the steps above did help them to get their order ‘in progress’, it probably depends a bit on your category, the buyer’s English and needed requirements and other things, and from reading the forum I know I´’m not the only one, so there´s a bit of help, if you never have orders stuck because nudging the buyer won´t help, then that´s great, I spent quite some time on it when I started, but these steps did help in nearly all my handful of cases.

Describing to the buyer what to do and giving them those links btw are the first things CS will tell you, and the next thing then is that they give you the link to the buyer’s page with the stuck order, so that you can give them the link. So, for people it happens to, trying the things in this post might mean no need to contact CS and saving the waiting time linked to it.


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