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Nothing. Even with promoting it on Facebook to 30,000 people

Guest mattfenton

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Guest mattfenton

I’ve been really down about this. I put up these two gigs, advertised the styling one on both facebook and instagram. Link got a load of clicks, but no one ordered anything? I’m really confused because I’m seeing people throwing their money at people who just write their name in pokemon font or anything but yet I get no sales at all?

If you could have a look at my two gigs and tell me what I’m doing wrong, that’d be great. Thanks



welcome on board!

Your gig seems to be on a niche market, so advertising it broadly will not necessarily lead to sales.

Also I read your gig and something really fundamental is not clear to me:

can I provide you with a photo of my car, for you to digitally pimp out? Now that I could see leading to more sales)

If on the other hand you are offering a service in which you take a stock pic of a super car and you apply a new paint job on it, then what’s the market for that? (legit question)

Guest mattfenton


welcome on board!

Your gig seems to be on a niche market, so advertising it broadly will not necessarily lead to sales.

Also I read your gig and something really fundamental is not clear to me:

can I provide you with a photo of my car, for you to digitally pimp out? Now that I could see leading to more sales)

If on the other hand you are offering a service in which you take a stock pic of a super car and you apply a new paint job on it, then what’s the market for that? (legit question)

@frank_d Oh yeah, I should add that. That is sort of the point yeah haha

Guest mattfenton

@mattfenton Well there you go. People read your gig and had no idea what it was you offered.

Problem solved. 🙂

@frank_d Is this better and more clear now? thanks for you help man


@mattfenton Yes it’s a bit more clear now.

But there’s a contradiction: you are using uber cool stock images as examples.

don’t you have real life examples? People will not send you ultra high res HDR images to work with.

So If I were you I’d work on some real life samples, by using some more realistic images. take some of your own if you have to. and DEFINITELY present them in a “before-after” fashion, so people can immediately see what they can expect. 🙂

Guest mattfenton

@mattfenton Yes it’s a bit more clear now.

But there’s a contradiction: you are using uber cool stock images as examples.

don’t you have real life examples? People will not send you ultra high res HDR images to work with.

So If I were you I’d work on some real life samples, by using some more realistic images. take some of your own if you have to. and DEFINITELY present them in a “before-after” fashion, so people can immediately see what they can expect. 🙂

@frank_d i was thinking that just now. I’ll go get a photo of my car and pimp it out haha

Guest silkroute

I’ve been really down about this. I put up these two gigs, advertised the styling one on both facebook and instagram. Link got a load of clicks, but no one ordered anything? I’m really confused because I’m seeing people throwing their money at people who just write their name in pokemon font or anything but yet I get no sales at all?

If you could have a look at my two gigs and tell me what I’m doing wrong, that’d be great. Thanks

People have reported to not having received any sales out of social media marketing simply because if the audience does not have a Fiverr account already, they tend to avoid creating a new account on a site they are not familiar with, just to order a gig.

I’m seeing people throwing their money at people who just write their name in pokemon font or anything but yet I get no sales at all?

Maybe the lack of keywords in the gig title is working against you in the search rankings on Fiverr itself. Put yourself in the prospective buyer’s shoes, someone looking to get his car’s color changed.

Which one is he more likely to search :

“change the color of my car”

“photoshop the color of my car”

“airbrush the blah blah of my blah blah”

…the latter two, I guess? use those keywords. (photoshop, airbrush, photo manipulation, digital artist, photo retouching, graphics designer)

Try this “I will digitally retouch the color of your car using photoshop” << It’s high on multiple relevant keywords, and gets the job done. (Don’t rename the current gig title, as your canonical url structure will still reflect the old title). Delete the current gig and make a fresh new one with new title and new url.

Guest mattfenton

People have reported to not having received any sales out of social media marketing simply because if the audience does not have a Fiverr account already, they tend to avoid creating a new account on a site they are not familiar with, just to order a gig.

I’m seeing people throwing their money at people who just write their name in pokemon font or anything but yet I get no sales at all?

Maybe the lack of keywords in the gig title is working against you in the search rankings on Fiverr itself. Put yourself in the prospective buyer’s shoes, someone looking to get his car’s color changed.

Which one is he more likely to search :

“change the color of my car”

“photoshop the color of my car”

“airbrush the blah blah of my blah blah”

…the latter two, I guess? use those keywords. (photoshop, airbrush, photo manipulation, digital artist, photo retouching, graphics designer)

Try this “I will digitally retouch the color of your car using photoshop” << It’s high on multiple relevant keywords, and gets the job done. (Don’t rename the current gig title, as your canonical url structure will still reflect the old title). Delete the current gig and make a fresh new one with new title and new url.

@silkroute is the url that important? When people search it’s the title that matches it yes?


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