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Retrieving a Previous Order (RESOLVED)


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I received a Psychic Reading from *******last week. She was excellent, highly recommended.

I wanted to copy the reading and paste it in a word document stored on my laptop for future reference.

I feel that this would be easier than returning to Fiverr and having to log in etc…

When I logged back in, I found the conversations we made in email but not the document that was sent.

Are they deleted after a certain period?

I have tried everything. Except what works…lol.

I have been to Notifications and opened the last ten conversations.

I went to the bottom of the message that said my order was completed.

I have been to Dashboard and Inbox .

Where the heck is the previous order?

I thought that I hit a blue box to find the Reading and then I thought that there was a link. I don’t recall a hundred percent.

There is nothing in archives.

Any ideas on how to find it?

Many Thanks,



Why didn't you buy a Psychic Reading from me? Am I not good enough for you?

Just kidding.

Yes to what the above poster said.

I tried to find your profile but I never found it.

Fiverr is not very intuitive. You should be able to find someone’s profile by clicking on their name.

How come they ‘asterisked’ the name of the other person out on my remarks? She did a good job.

Then they 'whited out ’ yours.

Fiverr is on the job today.


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