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Been slow compared to the past, any advice for my gigs?


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I was doing a little too well about a year ago and burnt out, followed by some nasty health issues so I went into vacation mode for several months, only taking custom illustration orders. I started accepting orders again 4 months ago and it was slow but fruitful, but in December I was told I had to move my pet portrait gigs from gifts to graphic design and it’s been nearly dead except for my repeat customers and very few views, though I do see both of them on the first page when you search for cat or dog portrait.
Looking for a different perspective on whether anything in my description or the way I’ve set my gigs up could use tweaking.


Dear Black Whiskey:

What name do you like to be called? Your customers want to know what to call you.

I took a quick look at your profile:

Your profile image: I suggest a color photo of you smiling. YOU should appear in your profile image.
Your log line: In My Humble Opinion (IMHO), this is too generic.
Your profile text – note the edits:

I hold a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree (BFA) in Illustration and a minor in Printmaking. I’ve been freelancing and selling work at markets and conventions for 5 years. I’m very good at communicating with you to ensure we’re on the same page and you get the work you’re looking for. -[Human Being Person Name Buyers Should Call You]

It’s always a good idea to spell out any acronyms the first time you use them. Don’t assume the Buyer knows what a micron is – I thought it was a unit of time on Battlestar Galactica. Am I wrong?

All your gigs should have video…

Learn from czarekpiast’s example and make a video of yourself talking to the camera. He has presented compelling anecdotal evidence that this approach garners IMMEDIATE RESULTS. Include additional samples in the video!

I took a look at 1 gig:

  • Gig Title: I will create a Portrait of your dog

2 @3-page PDFS: If these are available to you, you should take advantage of them! In your case, use them for upsells

  • Gig Description:

Holidays are approaching, order before December 1st to get by Christmas!

[OBVIOUSLY IT’S TIME to pull the previous line, or change Christmas to Valentine’s Day and December 1st to February 1st or whatever…]

Ever wanted an original piece of artwork of your dog? [NOTE: I deleted the part about your Buyer not having the money to buy art, because that’s a like a subtle insult. I can’t imagine why you put that in – it’s evidence to me that you would be wise to invest in a copy writer…]
For $5 I will create a 2.5"x3.5" line art of your dog and mail it to you! Basic gig is ONE dog. [You should look into making this gig digital and making physical copies an upsell.]
+$5 to add watercolor
+$5 to add one dog to the same portrait
+$25 to upgrade to a 4”x6” WATERCOLOR
+$20 for Extra Fast Delivery (4 days for site delivery and Priority mail)
Gig Shipping Costs:
Within the USA I charge $1.60
Outside the USA I charge $6.40
Each multiple order is $1.20
Fiverr also charges an extra 20% of shipping on top of that. [i suggest you verify this figure.]
Delivery date is the max amount of time to complete the piece. It will take between a few days for it to arrive through USPS 1st Class Mail.
If you live outside the US, I cannot guarantee when it will arrive at your address. We can also work out other shipping options.

(IMHO, the complexity of this gig description is working against you. I suggest you invest in a copy writer to help you streamline this. With today’s cameras you should be able to take high-quality photos of what you produce. You’re making your work too difficult for you and for the Buyer. If the Buyer opts not to purchase the physical version you then have a piece you may sell at the art shows…)

A suggested format for your gig descriptions:





Gig Extras:

I suggest you take a fresh look at your extras and give serious consideration to moving to packages. Hopefully a good copywriter experienced with working with Fiverr Sellers can guide you in this area, to maximize your profits.

Consider writing a book to teach people how you do what you do and offering it on Fiverr…

Gig Packages: This may help you make more $$$$.

Frequently Asked Questions: No specific suggestions (other than what is a micron and all this other art jargon?)…

Bottom line: IMHO you are limiting yourself by not offering this gig as a digital product with a physical upsell. Showing video of you working at your easel or whatever will be a big selling point.

You should have YouTube videos of you painting with pointers to your Fiverr profiles.

Good luck,

[details=Click Here for TOP SECRET Tips and Tricks and Never Contact a Seller on Fiverr to Ask for FREE STUFF!]
Be sure to make use of Tools like the Fiverr Blog, Fiverr Academy, and Fiverrcast.

If you take the time to earn your Autobiographer Badge, particularly adding a link to your Fiverr profile, other forum participants will be able to easily view your information.

As a general rule, when I have time to participate in the Fiverr Forum and I notice a request like yours in the “Improve My Gig” section, I am willing and able to look at a Seller’s Profile and one gig one time.

I can give you a better level of assistance if you first work your way through the checklist below. That way, I won’t waste your one turn by advising you to follow items on the checklist.

Dear Fiverr Seller: I didn’t take a look at your gig, but here is a checklist that may help: Polish your English: spelling, grammar, punctuation, and so on. Are you trying to reach US English speakers or international English speakers? Make sure your phrasing is consistent with your target audience. Remember that buyers are on Fiverr so that you will solve THEIR problems. You are here to provide SOLUTIONS. There is no place for negativity in your copy. Don’t say, I live in a third world…

I may be a Level 2 seller who has been here for about two years now, but there was a lot of trial and error along the way (and I mean A LOT). Despite the fact that I have a 99% overall rating with over 1,000 completed orders, I’m nowhere near “perfect” and I continue to learn new things daily. (I’m really not trying to toot my own horn… I swear!) Below, I have included a list of tried and true do’s and don’ts. I learned from my fiverr blunders, so I’d like to share my acquired wisdom. My hope …

Hey guys! Let’s cut straight to the chase. You’re a new seller (or maybe even an older seller experiencing a sales slum). Here are my 3 top tips to generating sales: 1. Interlink your services and create related gigsI’ve seen many new sellers fall into two traps when first creating their gigs. One of these traps is to create multiple gigs which are essentially the same thing (such as “create modern logo design”, “create a unique logo”, “design your logo”) in the hopes of getting more traffic…

Hi @charles20bc, Here’s a list I’ve put together that helps you stand out, look Professional, and how to setup a proper, well designed gig. Make sure you complete your profile setup 100%. Also, link all of your accounts (Facebook, Stack Overflow, Email, etc) so that potential buyers know you’re not a fly by night seller. Use proper English in your Fiverr profile. Make sure to notate where you’re from, and make sure your sentence structure is proper. Many potential buyers will not want to work…

Buyer Requests (BR) is FOR BUYERS to request custom offers from Sellers. (see Key Terms etc. in following link on what is a buyer, a seller, an order, an offer, a gig etc. and memorize them - it´s easier to get correct replies on the forum when you post about issues, if you use the correct terms so everyone knows what you´re talking about: https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service) It is NOT for Sellers to post their Gigs and services and offers, actually that can get you into trouble. Kind…

Have you been struggling to get orders? Then you’ve probably looked at the Buyer Request section a few times now, and maybe you’ve sent a few offers. As a buyer whose posted requests before, here are some tips for how to actually appeal to the seller: Edit before you send. Make sure that your grammar and spelling is correct and that your sentences flow and make sense. The buyer won’t sit there for ten minutes trying to figure out what you had tried to say and they are very unlikely to message…

Ok, you want to make some money but you do not speak English well. This is a real problem when you are going to sell on a marketplace where most buyers do and most communication is done through English. It can be done though, here are some tips for you to follow which will help you while you are working on your English. Be realistic about your gigs - Do not try to offer gigs that require excellent English. If you want to offer a writing gig, ask a native English speaker to be honest with you…

It is common knowledge that technical professionals seldom lack the ability to communicate proficiently unlike other professionals such as businessmen, lawyers etc. On the other hand our brain works super efficiently (a biased opinion of course!), but our tongue offers basic functionality. So this thread is about SALESMANSHIP from the point of a non-sales person such as myself. There are a lot of different categories here on Fiverr, but majority of questions regarding sales on this forum are …

Hello there Fiverr Family, Here is a tip that I would like to share with those that are new to Fiverr and possibly may help those that have been around for a while. To optimize your gigs for SEO: When saving the .jpg or .png image for your gig, put the keywords (all in lowercase) that you would like to rank for, in the name of your file separated by dashes. Example: I have a dj drop gig When saving my gig picture I save my file as dj-drops-on-fiverr. jpg This helps with the SEO of your gig…

Hi guys! This is Shane from Eno8Design. It has been exactly 30 days since we joined fiver. And here are our stats so far. Earned $352 Sales 54 Customers 18 Analystics.png.76a3e34738ac8edb2850a4a17cc31334.pngI gotta say that Fiverr is the best of the best when it comes to freelancing. Pretty simple process. We love it! So on the 1st month celebration we thought of sharing our experience and few tips with fellow forum members. Here’s what we did! (You should if you are not getting enough sales) ** Find a niche. (Ex: We though…

Stop trying to figure out Fiverr’s algorithm and spend that time making more money with upselling, here’s some things I’ve done to increase revenue… 1) Make your extras simple and easy to understand. Buyers seldom purchase things they aren’t clear on. 2) Offer only the extras you can do that will acheive 100% Buyer satisfaction. Return business and referrals should be your goal. 3) Explain to your Buyers the BENEFIT of adding a particular extra. I add this phrase when selling a logo ove…

As the issue of Paypal chargebacks has been discussed a lot recently including the horrible situation of a large chargeback for one Forum regular, I decided to spend a bit of time looking into them to see what I can find out, what other freelance platforms do and to try and put together some advice on how to avoid them as much as possible. Brace yourself, it’s a long one! In this post I will be summarizing and clarifying some of the content of other websites and their terms and conditions, for…


Dear Black Whiskey:

What name do you like to be called? Your customers want to know what to call you.

I took a quick look at your profile:

Your profile image: I suggest a color photo of you smiling. YOU should appear in your profile image.

Your log line: In My Humble Opinion (IMHO), this is too generic.

Your profile text – note the edits:

I hold a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree (BFA) in Illustration and a minor in Printmaking. I’ve been freelancing and selling work at markets and conventions for 5 years. I’m very good at communicating with you to ensure we’re on the same page and you get the work you’re looking for. -[Human Being Person Name Buyers Should Call You]

It’s always a good idea to spell out any acronyms the first time you use them. Don’t assume the Buyer knows what a micron is – I thought it was a unit of time on Battlestar Galactica. Am I wrong?

All your gigs should have video…

Learn from czarekpiast’s example and make a video of yourself talking to the camera. He has presented compelling anecdotal evidence that this approach garners IMMEDIATE RESULTS. Include additional samples in the video!

I took a look at 1 gig:

  • Gig Title: I will create a Portrait of your dog

2 @3-page PDFS: If these are available to you, you should take advantage of them! In your case, use them for upsells

  • Gig Description:

Holidays are approaching, order before December 1st to get by Christmas!

[OBVIOUSLY IT’S TIME to pull the previous line, or change Christmas to Valentine’s Day and December 1st to February 1st or whatever…]

Ever wanted an original piece of artwork of your dog? [NOTE: I deleted the part about your Buyer not having the money to buy art, because that’s a like a subtle insult. I can’t imagine why you put that in – it’s evidence to me that you would be wise to invest in a copy writer…]

For $5 I will create a 2.5"x3.5" line art of your dog and mail it to you! Basic gig is ONE dog. [You should look into making this gig digital and making physical copies an upsell.]

+$5 to add watercolor

+$5 to add one dog to the same portrait

+$25 to upgrade to a 4”x6” WATERCOLOR

+$20 for Extra Fast Delivery (4 days for site delivery and Priority mail)

Gig Shipping Costs:

Within the USA I charge $1.60

Outside the USA I charge $6.40

Each multiple order is $1.20

Fiverr also charges an extra 20% of shipping on top of that. [i suggest you verify this figure.]

Delivery date is the max amount of time to complete the piece. It will take between a few days for it to arrive through USPS 1st Class Mail.

If you live outside the US, I cannot guarantee when it will arrive at your address. We can also work out other shipping options.

(IMHO, the complexity of this gig description is working against you. I suggest you invest in a copy writer to help you streamline this. With today’s cameras you should be able to take high-quality photos of what you produce. You’re making your work too difficult for you and for the Buyer. If the Buyer opts not to purchase the physical version you then have a piece you may sell at the art shows…)

A suggested format for your gig descriptions:





Gig Extras:

I suggest you take a fresh look at your extras and give serious consideration to moving to packages. Hopefully a good copywriter experienced with working with Fiverr Sellers can guide you in this area, to maximize your profits.

Consider writing a book to teach people how you do what you do and offering it on Fiverr…

Gig Packages: This may help you make more $$$$.

Frequently Asked Questions: No specific suggestions (other than what is a micron and all this other art jargon?)…

Bottom line: IMHO you are limiting yourself by not offering this gig as a digital product with a physical upsell. Showing video of you working at your easel or whatever will be a big selling point.

You should have YouTube videos of you painting with pointers to your Fiverr profiles.

Good luck,


[details=Click Here for TOP SECRET Tips and Tricks and Never Contact a Seller on Fiverr to Ask for FREE STUFF!]

Be sure to make use of Tools like the Fiverr Blog, Fiverr Academy, and Fiverrcast.

If you take the time to earn your Autobiographer Badge, particularly adding a link to your Fiverr profile, other forum participants will be able to easily view your information.

As a general rule, when I have time to participate in the Fiverr Forum and I notice a request like yours in the “Improve My Gig” section, I am willing and able to look at a Seller’s Profile and one gig one time.

I can give you a better level of assistance if you first work your way through the checklist below. That way, I won’t waste your one turn by advising you to follow items on the checklist.

Dear Fiverr Seller: I didn’t take a look at your gig, but here is a checklist that may help: Polish your English: spelling, grammar, punctuation, and so on. Are you trying to reach US English speakers or international English speakers? Make sure your phrasing is consistent with your target audience. Remember that buyers are on Fiverr so that you will solve THEIR problems. You are here to provide SOLUTIONS. There is no place for negativity in your copy. Don’t say, I live in a third world…
I may be a Level 2 seller who has been here for about two years now, but there was a lot of trial and error along the way (and I mean A LOT). Despite the fact that I have a 99% overall rating with over 1,000 completed orders, I’m nowhere near “perfect” and I continue to learn new things daily. (I’m really not trying to toot my own horn… I swear!) Below, I have included a list of tried and true do’s and don’ts. I learned from my fiverr blunders, so I’d like to share my acquired wisdom. My hope …
Hey guys! Let’s cut straight to the chase. You’re a new seller (or maybe even an older seller experiencing a sales slum). Here are my 3 top tips to generating sales: 1. Interlink your services and create related gigsI’ve seen many new sellers fall into two traps when first creating their gigs. One of these traps is to create multiple gigs which are essentially the same thing (such as “create modern logo design”, “create a unique logo”, “design your logo”) in the hopes of getting more traffic…
Hi @charles20bc, Here’s a list I’ve put together that helps you stand out, look Professional, and how to setup a proper, well designed gig. Make sure you complete your profile setup 100%. Also, link all of your accounts (Facebook, Stack Overflow, Email, etc) so that potential buyers know you’re not a fly by night seller. Use proper English in your Fiverr profile. Make sure to notate where you’re from, and make sure your sentence structure is proper. Many potential buyers will not want to work…
Buyer Requests (BR) is FOR BUYERS to request custom offers from Sellers. (see Key Terms etc. in following link on what is a buyer, a seller, an order, an offer, a gig etc. and memorize them - it´s easier to get correct replies on the forum when you post about issues, if you use the correct terms so everyone knows what you´re talking about: https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service) It is NOT for Sellers to post their Gigs and services and offers, actually that can get you into trouble. Kind…
Have you been struggling to get orders? Then you’ve probably looked at the Buyer Request section a few times now, and maybe you’ve sent a few offers. As a buyer whose posted requests before, here are some tips for how to actually appeal to the seller: Edit before you send. Make sure that your grammar and spelling is correct and that your sentences flow and make sense. The buyer won’t sit there for ten minutes trying to figure out what you had tried to say and they are very unlikely to message…
Ok, you want to make some money but you do not speak English well. This is a real problem when you are going to sell on a marketplace where most buyers do and most communication is done through English. It can be done though, here are some tips for you to follow which will help you while you are working on your English. Be realistic about your gigs - Do not try to offer gigs that require excellent English. If you want to offer a writing gig, ask a native English speaker to be honest with you…
It is common knowledge that technical professionals seldom lack the ability to communicate proficiently unlike other professionals such as businessmen, lawyers etc. On the other hand our brain works super efficiently (a biased opinion of course!), but our tongue offers basic functionality. So this thread is about SALESMANSHIP from the point of a non-sales person such as myself. There are a lot of different categories here on Fiverr, but majority of questions regarding sales on this forum are …
Hello there Fiverr Family, Here is a tip that I would like to share with those that are new to Fiverr and possibly may help those that have been around for a while. To optimize your gigs for SEO: When saving the .jpg or .png image for your gig, put the keywords (all in lowercase) that you would like to rank for, in the name of your file separated by dashes. Example: I have a dj drop gig When saving my gig picture I save my file as dj-drops-on-fiverr. jpg This helps with the SEO of your gig…
Hi guys! This is Shane from Eno8Design. It has been exactly 30 days since we joined fiver. And here are our stats so far. Earned $352 Sales 54 Customers 18 [image]I gotta say that Fiverr is the best of the best when it comes to freelancing. Pretty simple process. We love it! So on the 1st month celebration we thought of sharing our experience and few tips with fellow forum members. Here’s what we did! (You should if you are not getting enough sales) ** Find a niche. (Ex: We though…
Stop trying to figure out Fiverr’s algorithm and spend that time making more money with upselling, here’s some things I’ve done to increase revenue… 1) Make your extras simple and easy to understand. Buyers seldom purchase things they aren’t clear on. 2) Offer only the extras you can do that will acheive 100% Buyer satisfaction. Return business and referrals should be your goal. 3) Explain to your Buyers the BENEFIT of adding a particular extra. I add this phrase when selling a logo ove…
As the issue of Paypal chargebacks has been discussed a lot recently including the horrible situation of a large chargeback for one Forum regular, I decided to spend a bit of time looking into them to see what I can find out, what other freelance platforms do and to try and put together some advice on how to avoid them as much as possible. Brace yourself, it’s a long one! In this post I will be summarizing and clarifying some of the content of other websites and their terms and conditions, for…


Thanks for the advice! There were certain things I forgot to factor in moving the gigs from the Gifts category (a lot weird limitations that were category specific? I don’t know).

My biggest hold up was stepping out of the $5 basic gig price so I had over complicated everything in an attempt to compensate. I’ve made some changes and as I’m writing this it’s going through the approval process…Some things, like sending originals, aren’t negotiable for me. I personally don’t feel comfortable selling other people’s pet portrait to strangers, so on and so forth. If I were to offer just a digital file, I’d do it separately, because the point of the portrait ones I have available now are that they are tangible originals.

Again, thank you for the tips!


Thanks for the advice! There were certain things I forgot to factor in moving the gigs from the Gifts category (a lot weird limitations that were category specific? I don’t know).

My biggest hold up was stepping out of the $5 basic gig price so I had over complicated everything in an attempt to compensate. I’ve made some changes and as I’m writing this it’s going through the approval process…Some things, like sending originals, aren’t negotiable for me. I personally don’t feel comfortable selling other people’s pet portrait to strangers, so on and so forth. If I were to offer just a digital file, I’d do it separately, because the point of the portrait ones I have available now are that they are tangible originals.

Again, thank you for the tips!

Dear Black Whiskey:

You asked for advice on how to sell more gigs.

At the very least, you should try offering a digital art gig for something.

Let the Buyers decide how they feel about you selling physical copies if they don’t purchase them.

Your attitude on this makes no sense to me, because some of my favorite artists in the world, like Jack Kirby, fought very hard for many years for the right to sell their physical art work.

Ultimately, it’s your decision, but I say, “Hail King Kirby!”

Good luck,



Dear Black Whiskey:

You asked for advice on how to sell more gigs.

At the very least, you should try offering a digital art gig for something.

Let the Buyers decide how they feel about you selling physical copies if they don’t purchase them.

Your attitude on this makes no sense to me, because some of my favorite artists in the world, like Jack Kirby, fought very hard for many years for the right to sell their physical art work.

Ultimately, it’s your decision, but I say, “Hail King Kirby!”

Good luck,


Your keywords need work, IMO.

I personally tried looking for your gigs using the keywords that I would actually use and your gig did not show up. Keywords:

dog painting

pet painting

paint pets

I would not use “portrait” when searching. Instead of “I will create a watercolor portrait of your dog” why not use “I will paint a watercolor portrait of your pet dog” or something like that.


Your keywords need work, IMO.

I personally tried looking for your gigs using the keywords that I would actually use and your gig did not show up. Keywords:

dog painting

pet painting

paint pets

I would not use “portrait” when searching. Instead of “I will create a watercolor portrait of your dog” why not use “I will paint a watercolor portrait of your pet dog” or something like that.

I don’t know why I didn’t think of that xD thank you!

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