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Changing Review from the buyer end


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One of my client is trying to change his review. But, he is not getting any option for changing it. Is the option of changing review from the buyer end has been removed? The buyer can’t change their review any more? Please, reply who has knowledge about this issue.


Please check the link.

:no_entry_sign: Refunding your buyer to remove a feedback is NO LONGER possible on Fiverr since the last update in Terms Of Service. :warning: Feedbacks are here to stay! :bulb: However, you can ASK to have your REVIEW modified but only ONCE (:one:) per order. Also, you should use this feature as minimally as possible. :information_source: Please Note: This feature is only available within 3 DAYS of posting of feedback. Let's get to the steps: STEP 1: >Click on "RESOLVE NOW" …


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