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Clicks, Views and Impressions - update time


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Hey guys and girls! 🙂
Do you know how often this stats are updated? For me it seems they change only once per day.

Also, this is MY GIG - click if anyone have any suggestion, how can I improve it, I will be more than happy! Thanks in advance. 😉
I’m still waiting for my first order, but is it a lot to have 22 impressions, 30 clicks and 34 views in 4 days? I have no idea what is a lot or nothing at all. 😁

Have a nice day everyone! 😉

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Dear Matevz:

What name do you like to be called? Your customers want to know what to call you.

In my experience, stats are updated once daily, and the only stat that matters is sales. Each sale gives you an opportunity to establish a positive reputation and make more sales.

Here’s a link to Fiverr Academy.

Here’s a link to Episode 1 of Fiverrcast.

If you take the time to earn your Autobiographer Badge, particularly adding a link to your Fiverr profile, other forum participants will be able to easily view your information.

As a general rule, when I have time to participate in the Fiverr Forum and I notice a request like yours in the “Improve My Gig” section, I am willing and able to look at a Seller’s Profile and one gig one time.

I can give you a better level of assistance if you first work your way through the checklist below. That way, I won’t waste your one turn by advising you to follow items on the checklist.

For example:

Your profile image:
You seem to be smirking here. I suggest finding a better photo, with a bigger smile, ideally so the buyer sees you looking professional (you look like you’re wearing a T-shirt here).

Your log line:
Seems fine to me.

Your profile text [note the edits]:

I am a filmmaking student from Slovenia. I love making visually sophisticated movies. I am also a part-time designer, as I have been designing [what have you been designing] from my early years for our family business. I am interested in a million things. 🙂️ I am an active scout leader, I love sailing and adventure! -[Name Buyers Should Call You]

Your gigs should all have video and 3 images, and so on… the images you’ve shown don’t give the Buyer confidence that this is YOUR WORK, in my opinion.

Good luck,

Dear Fiverr Seller: I didn't take a look at your gig, but here is a checklist that may help: Polish your English: spelling, grammar, punctuation, and so on. Are you trying to reach US English speakers or international English speakers? Make sure your phrasing is consistent with your target audience. Remember that buyers are on Fiverr so that you will solve THEIR problems. You are here to provide SOLUTIONS. There is no place for negativity in your copy. Don't say, I live in a third world …

I may be a Level 2 seller who has been here for about two years now, but there was a lot of trial and error along the way (and I mean A LOT). Despite the fact that I have a 99% overall rating with over 1,000 completed orders, I'm nowhere near "perfect" and I continue to learn new things daily. (I'm really not trying to toot my own horn... I swear!) Below, I have included a list of tried and true do's and don'ts. I learned from my fiverr blunders, so I'd like to share my acquired wisdom. My …

Hey guys! Let's cut straight to the chase. You're a new seller (or maybe even an older seller experiencing a sales slum). Here are my 3 top tips to generating sales: 1. Interlink your services and create related gigsI've seen many new sellers fall into two traps when first creating their gigs. One of these traps is to create multiple gigs which are essentially the same thing (such as "create modern logo design", "create a unique logo", "design your logo") in the hopes of getting more t…

Hi @charles20bc, Here’s a list I’ve put together that helps you stand out, look Professional, and how to setup a proper, well designed gig. Make sure you complete your profile setup 100%. Also, link all of your accounts (Facebook, Stack Overflow, Email, etc) so that potential buyers know you’re not a fly by night seller. Use proper English in your Fiverr profile. Make sure to notate where you’re from, and make sure your sentence structure is proper. Many potential buyers will not want to…

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Dear Matevz:

What name do you like to be called? Your customers want to know what to call you.

In my experience, stats are updated once daily, and the only stat that matters is sales. Each sale gives you an opportunity to establish a positive reputation and make more sales.

Here’s a link to Fiverr Academy.

Here’s a link to Episode 1 of Fiverrcast.

If you take the time to earn your Autobiographer Badge, particularly adding a link to your Fiverr profile, other forum participants will be able to easily view your information.

As a general rule, when I have time to participate in the Fiverr Forum and I notice a request like yours in the “Improve My Gig” section, I am willing and able to look at a Seller’s Profile and one gig one time.

I can give you a better level of assistance if you first work your way through the checklist below. That way, I won’t waste your one turn by advising you to follow items on the checklist.

For example:

Your profile image:

You seem to be smirking here. I suggest finding a better photo, with a bigger smile, ideally so the buyer sees you looking professional (you look like you’re wearing a T-shirt here).

Your log line:

Seems fine to me.

Your profile text [note the edits]:

I am a filmmaking student from Slovenia. I love making visually sophisticated movies. I am also a part-time designer, as I have been designing [what have you been designing] from my early years for our family business. I am interested in a million things. 🙂️ I am an active scout leader, I love sailing and adventure! -[Name Buyers Should Call You]

Your gigs should all have video and 3 images, and so on… the images you’ve shown don’t give the Buyer confidence that this is YOUR WORK, in my opinion.

Good luck,


Dear Fiverr Seller: I didn't take a look at your gig, but here is a checklist that may help: Polish your English: spelling, grammar, punctuation, and so on. Are you trying to reach US English speakers or international English speakers? Make sure your phrasing is consistent with your target audience. Remember that buyers are on Fiverr so that you will solve THEIR problems. You are here to provide SOLUTIONS. There is no place for negativity in your copy. Don't say, I live in a third world …
I may be a Level 2 seller who has been here for about two years now, but there was a lot of trial and error along the way (and I mean A LOT). Despite the fact that I have a 99% overall rating with over 1,000 completed orders, I'm nowhere near "perfect" and I continue to learn new things daily. (I'm really not trying to toot my own horn... I swear!) Below, I have included a list of tried and true do's and don'ts. I learned from my fiverr blunders, so I'd like to share my acquired wisdom. My …
Hey guys! Let's cut straight to the chase. You're a new seller (or maybe even an older seller experiencing a sales slum). Here are my 3 top tips to generating sales: 1. Interlink your services and create related gigsI've seen many new sellers fall into two traps when first creating their gigs. One of these traps is to create multiple gigs which are essentially the same thing (such as "create modern logo design", "create a unique logo", "design your logo") in the hopes of getting more t…

Hi @charles20bc, Here’s a list I’ve put together that helps you stand out, look Professional, and how to setup a proper, well designed gig. Make sure you complete your profile setup 100%. Also, link all of your accounts (Facebook, Stack Overflow, Email, etc) so that potential buyers know you’re not a fly by night seller. Use proper English in your Fiverr profile. Make sure to notate where you’re from, and make sure your sentence structure is proper. Many potential buyers will not want to…

Thank you for your time and answer! 😉

I will surely improve my profile according to your advices.

Profile text: I find hard to write profile text about me as it’s so limited, but I think I included everything I do and care about now. 🙂 Thanks again for advice.

Profile image: Yeah, I know about that, but as I am not very photogenic person, I don’t really have some usefull images, which would show my proffesionalism. 😶

Images and video: hmm, I’m thinking there, that I could record how whole process from order on Fiverr to finished design looks like, that would probably help to show that it is my work right?

Gigs: As you wrote in your article, new sellers should have 7 gigs, but I would like to concentrate on one gig, make it great instead of creating 7 gigs, which I can’t guarantee to finish in time and give my best. It’s risky, if I receive 7 orders on 7 different things, I don’t know if I will be able to finish them in 4 hours, which is what I try to make my speciallity.

As it concern stats, until I will make my first sale, I think other stats can give me some feedback also 🙂 - if I get clicks but no orders, then something is wrong with offer/description/images, but if I get only views and no clicks, then it will tell me that intro image and tittle of my gig is not doing his job. :stuck_out_tongue: Currently I think that as I have similar views as clicks, that means I have good tittle and intro image, but I have to improve my offer and my profile to give confidence to buyers to buy from me.

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Thank you for your time and answer! 😉

I will surely improve my profile according to your advices.

Profile text: I find hard to write profile text about me as it’s so limited, but I think I included everything I do and care about now. 🙂 Thanks again for advice.

Profile image: Yeah, I know about that, but as I am not very photogenic person, I don’t really have some usefull images, which would show my proffesionalism. 😶

Images and video: hmm, I’m thinking there, that I could record how whole process from order on Fiverr to finished design looks like, that would probably help to show that it is my work right?

Gigs: As you wrote in your article, new sellers should have 7 gigs, but I would like to concentrate on one gig, make it great instead of creating 7 gigs, which I can’t guarantee to finish in time and give my best. It’s risky, if I receive 7 orders on 7 different things, I don’t know if I will be able to finish them in 4 hours, which is what I try to make my speciallity.

As it concern stats, until I will make my first sale, I think other stats can give me some feedback also 🙂 - if I get clicks but no orders, then something is wrong with offer/description/images, but if I get only views and no clicks, then it will tell me that intro image and tittle of my gig is not doing his job. :stuck_out_tongue: Currently I think that as I have similar views as clicks, that means I have good tittle and intro image, but I have to improve my offer and my profile to give confidence to buyers to buy from me.

Dear Matevz:

Profile image: Yeah, I know about that, but as I am not very photogenic person, I don’t really have some usefull images, which would show my proffesionalism. 😶

I feel your pain (see my image), but it’s best to bite the bullet. Instead of a selfie, have a professional photographer take your portrait.

The video can only be 30 to 60 seconds. I suggest you watch lots of videos by Top Rated Sellers for Inspiration.

Gigs: As you wrote in your article, new sellers should have 7 gigs, but I would like to concentrate on one gig, make it great instead of creating 7 gigs, which I can’t guarantee to finish in time and give my best. It’s risky, if I receive 7 orders on 7 different things, I don’t know if I will be able to finish them in 4 hours, which is what I try to make my speciallity.

Lots of people agree with you. Please read the article by twistedweb123 I cited above for his perspective on how to build your gigs.

You should listen to the FIverrcast episode “Working Through Language”.

Good luck,


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  • 1 year later...
Guest jawadhossain96

Hey there!!!
Welcome to fiverr market place .
I’m also a new seller like you.
waiting for my first order .
let me know how is gig

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