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Fiverr New Year's Challenge ? Part 1: Financial Reporting ?


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Financial Reporting

This is the first piece of a 3 part series to jumpstart your fiverr business in 2017.

Welcome to the fiverr challenge. There’s 3 important missions I want to share, communicate to help nurture growth, and enable decision making. Luckily, there’s a data-scientist on your side to grow. Here are the 3 parts to make the challenge a success!

Part 1: Financial Reporting

Don’t worry about bookkeeping and setup your financials with little or no experience!

  • Automate your Sales revenue with IFTTT and Google Drive
  • Track Sales revenue by gig and month
  • Stacked Bar chart showing all your revenue by gig per month.

Part 2: Customer Relationship Management

Set yourself up for growth and success. Manage clients like a pro!

  • Every fiverr business is different, customization Customer Relationship Management Template powered by IFTTT and Google Drive
  • Relationship management is the key to your success
  • Track your clients, confirm requirements, and track reviews and custom notes.

Part 3: Communication & Branding Strategy

Automate everything that’s right with your business and display it for all to see!

  • Brand your gigs through Google Drive
  • Prepare for growth, maximize on your hard work and share your success
  • Prepare a communication strategy

Part 1: Financial Reporting


The first step to successfully launch into the New Year’s Challenge is to register a new account. IFTTT is widely known, but an undervalued integration for your entire fiverr business. It’s easy to dismiss something that can jumpstart your business growth and effectively learn YOUR business. The hardest thing about success on fiverr is, most everyone eventually finds what they DO best on fiverr, but HOW they maintain that success is the challenge. Let 2017 be the year to sustain your growth and concentrate on your customer, the details that are important to fulfil orders, and the unique style that makes your business YOURS.

Here’s how I use IFTTT to manage my business.

  1. Track Sales Revenue
  2. Save Reviews into a Google Document
  3. Add Customer Messages into Evernote
  4. Add Orders to my Reminders list

There’s some customers that share their reviews, make their lights blink when receiving a new order and almost anything else that integrates with IFTTT.

To make IFTTT work with the fiverr challenge, we’re going to install this one applets.

  1. Register IFTTT Account.
  2. Connect fiverr to IFTTT.
  3. Connect Google Drive to IFTTT.
  4. Install this Applet: https://ifttt.com/applets/147924p-create-and-add-to-a-google-spreadsheet-when-i-get-new-fiverr-orders

That’s it. You should be good to go. If you ever move your file, remember a new one is going to be created.

Make sure to update the PATH inside of the IFTTT applet. You’re going to want to place it inside of the IFTTT folder inside of Google Drive.

Google Drive

Drive is the backbone of my fiverr business. Everyone is different, but mine helps me organize everything. Besides having a proper file system and naming system. This is how to make the sales template work with your drive.

  1. Create a folder called: IFTTT
  2. Click the Order List Template: https://■■■■■■/GX2e3n
  3. Save the copy to your Google Drive.
  4. Rename to “Order List”
  5. Place into the folder the IFTTT task will save to.

IFTTT + Google Drive. Things to remember:

  • IFTTT applet will name the file “Order List” for it to work.
  • Drive folder path should be IFTTT
  • When an order runs it can take a little time for the sales data to appear there.

Now you have Google Drive connected. Next, we’re going to look at how the template is customized and how to implement it.

Order List Template

When you save the template in the right location in Google Drive and make sure the IFTTT applet is running — it’s pure harmony!

The Order List template is powerful and serves two purposes. 1) It tracks all of your sales and 2) it breaks up all your sales, by gig, sorted by month!

###The Raw Order List

When a new order comes in this is what you’re going to see.

  1. Date order is DUE
  2. Gig Name
  3. Sale Price
  4. Customer Name
  5. Link to Gig

Part 2, I will introduce the Customer Relationship Management solution I built. In, Part 3 of the fiverr challenge will concentrates on the gig branding, sale materials, and reputation.

Here’s some things to know when using the template.

  1. This template is designed to work with every calendar year.
  2. Go to the copy link and create a link for every year.
  3. Rename the OLD sheet to a “Order List 2017” as a backup for your sales moving into next year.

Go to the “Dashboard - 2017” sheet and look at column A. The only thing that you will edit is add your gig titles into the sheet. Copy and paste your gig name MINUS the “I will” since this is not necessary.


“I will give you a great template” only copy in “give you a great template” into the spreadsheet.

It’s as simple as that! Add all of your gigs into the spreadsheet and watch the order come in.


The first part of the challenge is now done. This Order List Template is something I check religiously and made my own custom metrics. I’ve included a bar-chart to show you what percentage of your revenue is coming from your Gigs by month. Preparing your accounting automation is the first key in growth.

The fiverr challenge will sustain your growth, while concentrating on orders and new business. Stay tuned to my next installments coming soon. I’m thinking about making a video to help simplify this process even more. Let me know if that would be helpful.

I want to hear feedback on my tool and some that you’re already using. My Fiverr New Year challenge is to make my customer experience even better with your support!


I’m anxiously awaiting part two! What exactly is IFTTT? I’m a new Fiverr seller and my largest concern right now of course is obtaining more sales to rank level 1, however I’m absorbing any/all I can. Nice post, looking forward to more. 😁


I’m anxiously awaiting part two! What exactly is IFTTT? I’m a new Fiverr seller and my largest concern right now of course is obtaining more sales to rank level 1, however I’m absorbing any/all I can. Nice post, looking forward to more. 😁

Hello! IFTTT is a free web-based service that allows users to create chains of simple actions, which are triggered based on changes to other web services such as Gmail, Facebook, and Instagram, etc. I will be posting part 2 soon.

  • 2 months later...

Would anyone find a video helpful? I’m planning on connecting my wife to this system and demonstrating it via a YouTube video.

Just read this and was about to ask if you could do a video because that’s a lot to try sorting out by reading. Thanks so much, this could be a huge game changer!


Just read this and was about to ask if you could do a video because that’s a lot to try sorting out by reading. Thanks so much, this could be a huge game changer!

Great. I will work on it today!


my IFTTT account is not linking to Fiverr account.

I would try connecting your fiverr account to gmail and connecting to ifttt

via gmail. It’s a more reliable way to make the connection. Do you have a



I would try connecting your fiverr account to gmail and connecting to ifttt

via gmail. It’s a more reliable way to make the connection. Do you have a


oh my gmail is not linked with fiverr. Thank you for your help.


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