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How can i get sales?


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I have registered here pretty recently,and so far i like the website,and the forum community is great,and very helpful.

I have four gigs right now,and no sales,I know it is a bit soon,but since I have not been rated yet,how can people see my gigs? Plus,this new version of fiverr does not help.

I have seen here people who offer less than i do,but somehow have lots of daily sales.Maybe it is because i presented it in a way that people don t like,could you see my page and give me some tips based on what i have so far? Should i change something?

Thank you 😃


Join groups on Facebook that are related to your gigs, then start talking to folks, offer advice and every once in a while post your link to your fiver gigs in the groups. Use a program like Hootsuite to post to multiple groups at the same time. Search Youtube on how to use Hootsuite. Set up a simpl webpage that lists all you fiver gigs and post about the gigs on Craigslist and Backpage.com about your gigs using your own url…I think Craigslist blocks fiver gigs so you won’t be able to link directly to them.

Good luck.


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