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Should I have multiple similar gigs?

Guest ambergalore

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Guest ambergalore

Right now I basically have a “graphics” gig where I will do pretty much any graphics request (and recently websites which I do by request, not listed on my gig). Then I have a writing gig where I offer rewrites, bios, articles, and reviews. I will pretty much do any writing gig here.

However, I have noticed a lot of sellers have multiple similar gigs such as “I will write one article for you”, “I will write two articles for you”, “I will rewrite your article”, etc. And then for graphics they will I have, “I will make your logo”, “I will make your timeline cover”, “I will make your website banners”. etc.

Is it more beneficial to me to spread out my services or keep them all compact the way I have them? I can pretty much keep the two I have and then add more specific gigs, even if they are repetitive of the other two, or I can just keep the two I have. Which is better?


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Guest ambergalore

Thank you, bachas! In regards to things like rewrites or bios should those be separate gigs, you think? I do like having everything in one central gig but I worry if someone is looking for a timeline cover for example, they might skip over my “graphics” gig and go straight to one that says timeline on it.


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I think there are times when you should definitely have more than one gig for a similar service, especially now that there is a 5 tag limit in version 2.

I have a separate gig for writing and rewriting I think they are distinct enough to merit an individual sales message to help increase conversions.

What I don’t think is good practice is having a gig that says “I will write a 400 word article” and then having another gig that says “I will write a 450 word article”, etc.

If I personally were looking for a Facebook cover image, I would not click on a logo gig nor would I click on a “web banner” gig. I would look for titles that specifically state they do Facebook cover images. I think that’s one of the great things about Fiverr being a micro job site - gigs can be very specific.

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And there are many complaints recently about the limits of the new “Request a Gig” method that only lets you send the potential buyer a link to one of your specific gigs - not a general, personalized note. So if you don’t have a gig that seems to be exactly on topic, it can be hard for that potential buyer to understand why you are sending them seemingly unrelated offers.

But if you have multiple gigs - one keyworded for EACH field you want to work in, then will that give you a better chance of sending a good option to “request a gig” seekers?

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Wow, second post today where I run across a reply by @bachas85 to which I completely disagree with. But what do I know, she’s a power seller with 100% and I am not?

Although I suspect her looks may have something to do with the amount of work she gets… judge me if you will, but sex does sell and I do not have the looks to use my face on my gig images. Just earlier today I replied to another thread where someone was outed for using a ‘fake’ model image of a pretty blonde and even went as far as trying to lie about it. Why go to the trouble of using a model if it does not help with sales?

Rather stay honest than use fake face pics but am also just as envious of someone that has both the looks and skills, it’s a free market after all and there are plenty of customers to go round.

Sorry if I come across harsh, I really don’ mean to but have been told that I do. Again I apologize if anyone takes any offence to anything I posted.



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Guest ambergalore

Thank you all for your responses. You helped me make up my mind! While I hate to start fresh with no ratings on a gig, it would be best to keep my gigs specific. I am definitely not going to do a “400 words” and then “450 words”. I am just going to separate my gigs. I’ll probably leave the ones I have now, the general ones, and the just create new gigs for rewrites, articles, logos, timelines, etc.

Thank you all again for your opinions! I am still a newbie here so this was helpful.

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Guest matt_garry

you can always mention something like " need a rewrite or a longer story or proofreading check out my other gigs

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