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Fiver's Humor


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I mostly sell but like to give back so I buy lots of gigs from sellers and if any of you are reading this right now… please stop calling me ‘dude’ when you provide an update to my order. Thanks!

Another seller here that does not drink coffee either so did not like that message - why you peer pressuring drugs on me Fiverr? Why you enticing young sellers to drink alcohol underage? Surely there must be some parental figure that approves these cute quotes before you publish them, no?

Adding my vote to keep these quotes coming but you would need at least 30 of them so I do not see the same thing everyday. Maybe borrow from one of those funny calendars where I get a new joke or quote or word of the day type thing?

Oh yeah, I agree with @genuineguidance that yes, indeed it is a sheet aka a list of things to do, aha, we get the pun but it’s not funny, move on already. Mama said do not criticize without offering a solution so who’s with me on my suggestion to use daily affirmations such the attached image?

My .02 watts



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