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I Heard the Christmas Bells :D


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Hi everyone,

I’m thinking of something exciting. As you know Christmas is coming, how about to celebrate it with sharing anything good anything lovely or a life changing quote

I will share mine at the end 🙂

Let’s have some fun 😉



An old but still one of my all-time most favourite book quotes, I think it´s a nice one ‘for the occasion’.

…und so setzten sie sich zu dritt in einen der Lesesessel, weil sie lieber nahe beieinander waren als bequem sitzen wollten…

(original text English: …sat together in one of the reading chairs, preferring to be close to one another rather than having more room to sit…)

from Eine Reihe Betrüblicher Ereignisse (A Series of Unfortunate Events) by Lemony Snicket


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