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Resurrecting Old Threads Will Not Make You a TRS


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I get it, we’re all excited about the new forum. There’s so much to do and explore, and it’s really fun.

However, it’s not fun to run into a bunch of resurrected threads that were abandoned years ago because somebody believes that posting as much as possible will earn him/her a TRS badge. It won’t. If you do it, especially if you repeatedly do it, you will not make other users trust you and see you as a community leader (or whatever); you will be seen as a spammer and an annoyance.

Trying to get a higher forum level? Read the requirements again: for level 2, you need a minimum of 3 (3, not 300!) replies, and for level 3, you need a minimum of 10 (10, not 100, and not 1,000) replies. There’s no need to post all over the forum to get a higher level.

I’m not saying that everyone should immediately stop posting. Far from it! If you have something important, useful, or fun to say, by all means, do it! Socialize, have fun, enjoy! But please don’t post just for the sake of posting. It’s not the number of posts that matters, it’s the quality. And there’s no quality in spamming.

Thank you.

@fonthaunt notes removed for later re-posting due to apparent confusion on this thread.


I get it, we’re all excited about the new forum. There’s so much to do and explore, and it’s really fun.

However, it’s not fun to run into a bunch of resurrected threads that were abandoned years ago because somebody believes that posting as much as possible will earn him/her a TRS badge. It won’t. If you do it, especially if you repeatedly do it, you will not make other users trust you and see you as a community leader (or whatever); you will be seen as a spammer and an annoyance.

Trying to get a higher forum level? Read the requirements again: for level 2, you need a minimum of 3 (3, not 300!) replies, and for level 3, you need a minimum of 10 (10, not 100, and not 1,000) replies. There’s no need to post all over the forum to get a higher level.

I’m not saying that everyone should immediately stop posting. Far from it! If you have something important, useful, or fun to say, by all means, do it! Socialize, have fun, enjoy! But please don’t post just for the sake of posting. It’s not the number of posts that matters, it’s the quality. And there’s no quality in spamming.

Thank you.

@fonthaunt notes removed for later re-posting due to apparent confusion on this thread.

everyone should immediately stop posting

Ah, the joys of selective quoting.



Ah, the joys of selective pudding.

What did you say Emma?

🍮Puddin? I would lurrvveee me some puddinnn…😋

What the heck. Let them have their fun and dream a little. I don’t have to read it.

Hmmm, I didn’t mean this to be a reply to you djgodknows…it was just a general comment. I will have to watch out for those trickly replies when I click.


What the heck. Let them have their fun and dream a little. I don’t have to read it.

Hmmm, I didn’t mean this to be a reply to you djgodknows…it was just a general comment. I will have to watch out for those trickly replies when I click.

Hey @steveeyes I might not be following you, so if I’m not, I apologize. I was going to mention that I think @catwriter caught on to something none of us realized for a little while. When you over-do certain things on this new forum (like comment on old or new threads in large quantities) it can actually slow you down later to get to some of the cooler features and doesn’t really help them level on Fiverr like some think. It’s fine if people want to have fun and reply a lot if they want, but it is good for them to know that it may not do what they hoped.

If I misunderstood you, no worries, I just wanted to clarify what I think the intent was. By the way, welcome to the new forum @steveeyes! Good to see you on.


Well, not so sure about this, there are old posts that are still very valid and might deserve some light of day, also forum rule #1 says:
1.) When starting a new discussion, please check that you aren’t duplicating an existing discussion thread or creating one that is very similar. These will be removed.

Doesn´t mean I don´t agree that it´s pretty unneeded to necro threads just to say ‘I agree’ of course 😉 but if someone resurrects a mummy to add something halfways valuable, I think one should take into consideration that rule 1 does imply it might be a good thing to do that rather than creating a new thread.

Just wanted to mention the above on ‘resurrecting old threads’ generally though, I agree completely on the ‘will not make you a TRS’ part. 🙂


Well, not so sure about this, there are old posts that are still very valid and might deserve some light of day, also forum rule #1 says:

1.) When starting a new discussion, please check that you aren’t duplicating an existing discussion thread or creating one that is very similar. These will be removed.

Doesn´t mean I don´t agree that it´s pretty unneeded to necro threads just to say ‘I agree’ of course 😉 but if someone resurrects a mummy to add something halfways valuable, I think one should take into consideration that rule 1 does imply it might be a good thing to do that rather than creating a new thread.

Just wanted to mention the above on ‘resurrecting old threads’ generally though, I agree completely on the ‘will not make you a TRS’ part. 🙂


Well, not so sure about this, there are old posts that are still very valid and might deserve some light of day, also forum rule #1 says:

1.) When starting a new discussion, please check that you aren’t duplicating an existing discussion thread or creating one that is very similar. These will be removed.

Doesn´t mean I don´t agree that it´s pretty unneeded to necro threads just to say ‘I agree’ of course 😉 but if someone resurrects a mummy to add something halfways valuable, I think one should take into consideration that rule 1 does imply it might be a good thing to do that rather than creating a new thread.

Just wanted to mention the above on ‘resurrecting old threads’ generally though, I agree completely on the ‘will not make you a TRS’ part. 🙂

I agree to this a lot, some of those old posts have very valuable information to new users. I was a new user a few months ago and I remember being told by someone to go back in history instead of asking already asked questions. So I did and found a great deal of information.

If you have seen something before it does not mean that everyone else saw it, so what if people are replying on old posts?? That is why the new forum has a MUTE feature, use it and stop restricting the freedom of others!!! If they are spamming FLAG them that is why the flag function exists.

Lets just enjoy the forum, we have a lot of control now over what we see and what we don’t…its super cool


in fact, I think @fonthaunt and the rest of the moderators should occasional bump up some of those old but relevant posts so new members can easily find them, questions like " how to rank my gigs higher on the search page" have excellent answers dip in the archives well hidden from the people who need that information the most.

Old members who do not want to see the information do as I do…MUTE


I’m not restricting anyone’s freedom. It’s not like I can force anyone to stop posting. 😝 I’m asking people to stop resurrecting random old threads IF they’re doing it only to increase the number of their forum posts, as it won’t make them a TRS or a trusted member of the community. They just create clutter that makes it even more difficult for the new members to find the information they need, and they give the wrong example to the new users.

I’m thinking about using the Mute feature for certain members, and I’m curious about something. @fonthaunt, do you or the other mods know whether only flagging counts, or if there’s a similar rule for muting, too? As in, if a certain member is muted by (enter a random number) of people, will it affect him/her?


I’m not restricting anyone’s freedom. It’s not like I can force anyone to stop posting. 😝 I’m asking people to stop resurrecting random old threads IF they’re doing it only to increase the number of their forum posts, as it won’t make them a TRS or a trusted member of the community. They just create clutter that makes it even more difficult for the new members to find the information they need, and they give the wrong example to the new users.

I’m thinking about using the Mute feature for certain members, and I’m curious about something. @fonthaunt, do you or the other mods know whether only flagging counts, or if there’s a similar rule for muting, too? As in, if a certain member is muted by (enter a random number) of people, will it affect him/her?

or if there’s a similar rule for muting, too? As in, if a certain member is muted by (enter a random number) of people, will it affect him/her?

Oh, that´s a really interesting question!


I get it, we’re all excited about the new forum. There’s so much to do and explore, and it’s really fun.

However, it’s not fun to run into a bunch of resurrected threads that were abandoned years ago because somebody believes that posting as much as possible will earn him/her a TRS badge. It won’t. If you do it, especially if you repeatedly do it, you will not make other users trust you and see you as a community leader (or whatever); you will be seen as a spammer and an annoyance.

Trying to get a higher forum level? Read the requirements again: for level 2, you need a minimum of 3 (3, not 300!) replies, and for level 3, you need a minimum of 10 (10, not 100, and not 1,000) replies. There’s no need to post all over the forum to get a higher level.

I’m not saying that everyone should immediately stop posting. Far from it! If you have something important, useful, or fun to say, by all means, do it! Socialize, have fun, enjoy! But please don’t post just for the sake of posting. It’s not the number of posts that matters, it’s the quality. And there’s no quality in spamming.

Thank you.

@fonthaunt notes removed for later re-posting due to apparent confusion on this thread.


thanks you guys, am learning and trying to catch up fast.


Does having good points as a forum member helps the seller level? Like is it a criteria to become a top rated seller?

Does having good points as a forum member helps the seller level? Like is it a criteria to become a top rated seller?



I’m not restricting anyone’s freedom. It’s not like I can force anyone to stop posting. 😝 I’m asking people to stop resurrecting random old threads IF they’re doing it only to increase the number of their forum posts, as it won’t make them a TRS or a trusted member of the community. They just create clutter that makes it even more difficult for the new members to find the information they need, and they give the wrong example to the new users.

I’m thinking about using the Mute feature for certain members, and I’m curious about something. @fonthaunt, do you or the other mods know whether only flagging counts, or if there’s a similar rule for muting, too? As in, if a certain member is muted by (enter a random number) of people, will it affect him/her?

I am pretty sure mutes are fine and have no effect on anyone, the muter or the mutee, so to speak. That makes it an excellent way to dismiss users or categories or topics you dislike while leaving the impact neutral for everyone.

What I liked about your top post was that there were people resurrecting old threads for reasons that could impact them negatively or create more work for others. There is nothing wrong with people finding a useful old thread and making a genuine comment if it’s useful or asking a genuine question about it. Most old threads eventually end up closed and you can’t respond to them, but on the new forum many have re-opened for now.

What creates a problem is when people want to chase badges or levels or just be noticed, so they spot an ancient thread and flag it because it’s no longer accurate, or they respond to 10 outdated threads with comments like “GREAT!” because they think it will make them look good or be seen as a community leader. The flags have to be checked. The useless comments to get attention push the thread to the top of the forum and someone else flags something.

I’m not suggesting that people avoid organic use of the forum including old posts. I’m suggesting that trying to manipulate the forum in any way is not good, and it’s common for users to use old threads for this purpose. 🙂


I am pretty sure mutes are fine and have no effect on anyone, the muter or the mutee, so to speak. That makes it an excellent way to dismiss users or categories or topics you dislike while leaving the impact neutral for everyone.

What I liked about your top post was that there were people resurrecting old threads for reasons that could impact them negatively or create more work for others. There is nothing wrong with people finding a useful old thread and making a genuine comment if it’s useful or asking a genuine question about it. Most old threads eventually end up closed and you can’t respond to them, but on the new forum many have re-opened for now.

What creates a problem is when people want to chase badges or levels or just be noticed, so they spot an ancient thread and flag it because it’s no longer accurate, or they respond to 10 outdated threads with comments like “GREAT!” because they think it will make them look good or be seen as a community leader. The flags have to be checked. The useless comments to get attention push the thread to the top of the forum and someone else flags something.

I’m not suggesting that people avoid organic use of the forum including old posts. I’m suggesting that trying to manipulate the forum in any way is not good, and it’s common for users to use old threads for this purpose. 🙂

I am pretty sure mutes are fine and have no effect on anyone, the muter or the mutee, so to speak. That makes it an excellent way to dismiss users or categories or topics you dislike while leaving the impact neutral for everyone.

Makes perfect sense to me.

What creates a problem is when people want to chase badges or levels or just be noticed, so they spot an ancient thread and flag it because it’s no longer accurate

I don´t know about this though - wouldn´t it be better, if threads with lots of/vital but outdated info would get flagged, so that maybe a moderator could 'stamp a big ‘OUTDATED’ on them? If one could flag with ‘outdated info’ (or can one? lol I did flag some adult ad on the new forum but don´t remember what reasons there were) mods could just ignore those flags until they might have some time left to spend on them. Of course, if you tell me there´d never be enough time to get to not so important flags, I´ll believe you. 😉


I am pretty sure mutes are fine and have no effect on anyone, the muter or the mutee, so to speak. That makes it an excellent way to dismiss users or categories or topics you dislike while leaving the impact neutral for everyone.

Makes perfect sense to me.

What creates a problem is when people want to chase badges or levels or just be noticed, so they spot an ancient thread and flag it because it’s no longer accurate

I don´t know about this though - wouldn´t it be better, if threads with lots of/vital but outdated info would get flagged, so that maybe a moderator could 'stamp a big ‘OUTDATED’ on them? If one could flag with ‘outdated info’ (or can one? lol I did flag some adult ad on the new forum but don´t remember what reasons there were) mods could just ignore those flags until they might have some time left to spend on them. Of course, if you tell me there´d never be enough time to get to not so important flags, I´ll believe you. 😉

Sure, if an old thread rises and someone flags it because they actually read it and truly find it in need of closure. There is one flag type for ‘other.’ At least for now, a mod would probably just close it since there is no rapid fire way to as stamp a big anything on them. 😄

Half of my comment was just about intent. Someone searches out old posts and bumps them trying to compete for forum rewards. Flag count rises.

Ignoring flags in the current system isn’t a great option. It can result in possible automatic flag acceptance which just removes the post that may still have some value. The system may also lower the trust score of the innocent OP who was correct when the post was written. Down the road we,'ll have more mods to help and more he is threads to garner the most attention.

I may not say much more on this topic (and may edit out my part in top post for a re-do) as I think it’s less complex than it appears. Simply put, organic/real flags/comments are good. People searching out old posts just to shoot for flag badges or reasons to comment thinking it helps them hit TRS - nah.


Sure, if an old thread rises and someone flags it because they actually read it and truly find it in need of closure. There is one flag type for ‘other.’ At least for now, a mod would probably just close it since there is no rapid fire way to as stamp a big anything on them. 😄

Half of my comment was just about intent. Someone searches out old posts and bumps them trying to compete for forum rewards. Flag count rises.

Ignoring flags in the current system isn’t a great option. It can result in possible automatic flag acceptance which just removes the post that may still have some value. The system may also lower the trust score of the innocent OP who was correct when the post was written. Down the road we,'ll have more mods to help and more he is threads to garner the most attention.

I may not say much more on this topic (and may edit out my part in top post for a re-do) as I think it’s less complex than it appears. Simply put, organic/real flags/comments are good. People searching out old posts just to shoot for flag badges or reasons to comment thinking it helps them hit TRS - nah.

The system may also lower the trust score of the innocent OP who was correct when the post was written.

That shouldn´t happen of course. I’d only flag stuff I really am sure nobody would want on the forum myself, but it´s nice to know how all this stuff works, thanks for your explanation/s!


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