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How Did YOU Discover Fiverr?


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We would love to know how did you find fiverr, and what made you create an account and give it a chance?

For me, a family member has already been working on fiverr for some time, and have sparked an interest in me to try and explore this new age way of making money from home.
Needless to say I now thank him as fiverr is the place I work full time.

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Simple story. A friend of mine said something along the lines of “Hey, I found this site, why don’t
you give it a try?” I looked at it, I thought I’ll give it a shot. The reason why I decided to give a shot…well, not a nice thing to say, but back then many of the illustration gigs that were not that good quality and I thought I can do better than those people. I also found translation gigs that didn’t seem that decent…so again I thought I can do better.I know, I sound mean…

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Guest lorddaniel2006

I came across Fiver through a Facebook post a junior of mine made. He posted a screenshot of his revenue page and I noticed in 4 months he had made over $3000. Needless to say I needed any further conviction to bring me here. So hi, here I am 🙂

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How did I discover Fiverr? Well, see, I was outside one day, digging in my garden with my pick and shovel, and… well… there it was. Right there in soil. It was the prettiest thing I ever saw. Since I’m such a nice guy, I took it inside, washed it up, and now Fiverr is my beloved pet.

It follows me around everywhere. Such a great little companion!

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