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The Benefits Of Paying The Right Price


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In my days, let’s say months, spent as a seller on Fiverr, I have been fighting a harsh battle that I am almost sure will bring me nowhere. My Casus Belli, if you’d allow me to name it so, is a trend that seems to be somewhat justified by the concept behind the site itself: providing customers with affordable, yet professional services.

If you or anyone you know have been using this platform to offer your services, it is extremely likely that, at some point, you were contacted by a buyer who asking for a custom quote.

This is a completely normal process that most creatives and freelancers have to deal with. The potential clients have an idea, would love to turn their plans into something a teeny tiny bit more tangible, contact the seller, and ask just how much the thing would cost. The seller then factors in the amount of time, resources, efforts, and cups of coffee the production process will take and returns a price. Normally, this is the moment when the situation heats up.

As both buyers and sellers would like to get the most out of their money and time, furious haggling usually ensues. The former will try to pay as little as possible while securing extra services, quicker deliveries, and a chunk of the seller’s soul. The latter might try to explain that, no matter how hard they try, bills do not just magically disappear and they can only manage to skip a certain amount of meals before they’ll inevitably collapse on their keyboard, drawing board or other tool of their choice. Eventually, the two come to an agreement and work can start.

What described before is, as I already mentioned, something we are all prepared for whenever we decide to join a freelancing website. The problem with Fiverr is, though, just how low these prices tend to go before a buyer will finally accept the deal. I, like many others, have seen people asking for humongous amounts of work and offering little in return. So low are some buyers’ budgets that even the expression “paying peanuts” has acquired a new meaning.

When requesting a custom order, try considering just how valuable the piece of content you are trying to acquire is. Are you asking a designer to produce an intricate logo? Would you like a copywriter to review and enhance your 150k words erotic novel? Perhaps 5 dollars won’t be enough to cover the expenses and efforts these professional figures have to go through.

Even though you’re dealing with them through a platform such as Fiverr, you should try to remember that on the receiving end of your messages are people who spent time and money honing their skills to ensure that their products are up to scratch.

Yes, you will certainly be able to hire the guy who promises you the moon for 5 bucks, but paying the right price guarantees that you receive a solid result. You’re not only covering the value of the content itself, you’re also rewarding the creators for their time, efforts, research, and covering other production-related expenses. Obviously, this post doesn’t want to be an absolute. After reading it, you will still be able to go for what you feel is the best solution.

From personal experience, though, it seems like a vast majority of those who shop on Fiverr won’t consider the fact that they are dealing with humans, not content-spitting machines. Perhaps this bit of insight on the life of a professional creative will help you better understand who’s behind the shiny gigs you are browsing through, in turn improving your experience with the site and the chances that you’ll be satisfied with the results of your purchase!


At the beginning Fiverr was a platform where you could buy mainly FUNNY gigs for $5,-.
For example people jumping into their swimming pool whilst holding your sign, making a rant video for you and all this kind of stuff.
At a certain point it got more and more crowded and people, who are actually working for slave wages in countries who produce the clothes you and I wear, flocked in and still do. Somehow a legend has risen that Fiverr is a goldmine for everyone who claims to have certain skills. Actually nobody can blame people who come from very poor regions to try something to keep their heads above water.
Alas, it also has become a magnet for scammers and people who have zero skills and are only pretenders. Like flies attracted by cow pegs.
The only solution is to stay your ground and don’t negotiate prices. It works for me.


The (almost) no negotiation policy works for me as well. Be yourself, know your skills/value and treat your customers with respect in all kinds.

I decline an enormous amount of custom requests. Most of them are due to the incapability of the customer to check my gig first to see my prices. Said that, I’m still doing fine. I’m not selling my soul, I offer very fair prices in relation to the delivered quality and service (that’s what my customers tell me). As long as you respect your seller, you will probably only get disappointed very rarely.

Oh, and don’t use copy/pasted messages as a buyer.


I don’t think I have ever experienced the kind of furious haggling you are referring to.
The reason for this is simple, I price fairly and explain my pricing.
Fairly - If it is a larger job, I will discount the rate slightly and point it out and the reasons. I will assess the job on the time it will take and the level of experience, research needed and other relevant factors. Sometimes I will give a couple of options for them to choose from.
Explain - I have a variety of pre-made explainers for certain services I offer that explain what I will do. I take bits and pieces from these and create the custom offer. This is so the buyer will know what is involved and also so that it is clear what is required to deliver the gig. It also allows them to possibly remove some aspects of the job if price is an issue.
I don’t remember being asked anything more than “is that your best price” or “can you do it for $xx?”. The answer to each question was always along the lines of a polite “take it or leave it”. They usually take it or revise the request.
Being able to sell yourself, give an account of your work and convince a buyer you are worth it is the difference between being a free’lancer and simply being someone who offers services on Fiverr.


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