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i posted this message in reply to a message from an artist when acquiring about him doing some work for me and this was after an original message was blocked which the artist did not see…

Hi John,
My apologies - I sent a long message to you with some links in the document but for some reason the admins have blocked the message due to violation of terms!!! Have not idea why… The links showed art work that I liked to give you an idea of what I was looking for if you worked on my webpage logo/banner and a t-shirt design. I mentioned that the t-shirt design would be like a WWII airforce arm patch but then I thought it should be more of a NASA patch style for the Outer Rim Pilot design. The Views from the Outer Rim Podcast design was for our website ********* I have a homemade banner up there but wanted something that related more to the ‘outer rim’…more star wars scum and villainy-ish or firefly-ish, if that makes sense.
Hope this doesn’t get blocked by admins.
Sorry for the confusion

Why was this sent to admin…any help would be appreciated…thanks


Hi Clive, the two reasons I can think of are a) links to some page fiverr doesn´t like or they think there´s some link, like your website, that has outside-of-fiverr contact info to you for some reason or b) terms like ‘outer rim’ and/or ‘star wars’ might trigger some IP-infringement-surveillance-API, so it got sent for checking.
You could try to ask Customer Support to be sure, else, once they checked your flagged message and found it to be okay, your artist should get to see it then.

Just FYI, here on the forum you typically will get only replies from other sellers, buyers, maybe forum mods and admins, but not from ‘official fiverr staff’, so while forum replies certainly can be very helpful, for any definitive answers in important matters your best bet usually will be Customer Support.


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