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Don´t trust the crown! Top Buyers are not necessarily good buyers!


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This is just a fast hint/tip for all the other sellers here around, based on my experience.

Don´t trust the crown! Crowned users are not necessarily good buyers!!!

As always: You should do a background research, as you should do with every customer.

If a so called „Top Buyer“ is registered since several months but hasn´t given even one rating to some seller, the alarm bell should ring. Then you really should try to communicate with „that buyer“ to find out, if „he is“ serious 🙂

I tried to find out what the conditions are to get that crown, but as neither the forum search works, nor the Google-indexed links of the forum work, this information is simply based on my experience.

I suspect that the crown is given for „some number“ of orders made, but if these orders went to an „happy end“ without cancelation…

BTW (Hello Bruce?!): There have always been technical issues with this forum, but what happened last weeks is one of „the craziest things“ I have ever seen, happening in a simple Wordpress Forum.

„You“ (don´t know who „you“ is, but there must be a „you“ who is in charge of this) should be really ashamed.

Not just, cause the Forum is basically „not working“, this is the really sensational part:

You killed every, really every Search-engine indexed link. So e.g. Google finds 91.000 indexed links from forum.fiverr.com, but they are all leading to a 404 besides the forum homepage. So you killed the SEO value of the forum „earned“ in years, with just a single (and wrong) decision:

Changing a permalink structure and define redirections in Wordpress is something for „absolute beginners“. Can be done with 3 lines of code in the htaccess, or with a Kindergarten-Wordpress-Plugin. So what´s the problem, that all this is not working here, but everywhere else?


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