jjservices Posted November 30, 2016 Posted November 30, 2016 Hi Fiverr Sellers, I’ve been working here from last 4 months. My first two months were really good. As I was getting a handsome revenue. But the month of November was not so good for me. I only got 2 orders this month. I don’t why is it happening to me. But now I’m really worried about my business and I’ve set a time table for fiverr. I’m now sending buyer requests each day. I’ve been visiting fiverr academy. And now started posting at forum as well. I hope this will bring some business to me. I request you to please visit my profile and give me some suggestions about my gigs. What should I do in order to get orders? Thanks in advance 🙂
jjservices Posted November 30, 2016 Author Posted November 30, 2016 But I’m not hopeless. Just keep moving. I know fiverr will provide us orders. All we have to update our profile on daily basis. And add more and more gigs 🙂
meldawn9 Posted November 30, 2016 Posted November 30, 2016 It’s slow on my end, though I do have many repeat clients who order 10 at a time. I would have thought businesses would be gearing up for Christmas?
cocoloavoartist Posted November 30, 2016 Posted November 30, 2016 I had a look at your gig and it looks great, the only question I would put to you, because I’m not entirely certain if it has an effect on your stats, but you have 6 gigs, is that necessary ? Again, something that I cannot see are your analytics. But if you have some gigs that can be condensed, perhaps that would make a “stronger” presence.The only other suggestion - which may prove more helpful here - is some basic seo :1/ keep track of the analytics of each of your gigs over the next month (or view what was going on your first months - though I’m fairly certain that Fiverr does make an effort to “promote” new sellers, to a certain extent).2/ note which ones are getting more impressions and more views and what the conversion rates are for each, then3/ pair up the “weaker” gigs with a “stronger” gig.That being said, I do PLENTY of VOs for whiteboards, and it has been pretty active this month… put I don’t have as much data as you do since it’s your “arena”.Anyway, I hope that was helpful. On Fiverr, I’m in the VO arena, and I had a better month than my first 2, but that’s comparing apples to oranges.Cheers.Cocoaka CocoLoAVOartist
emmaki Posted November 30, 2016 Posted November 30, 2016 You are all freelancers. This is normal. Be proactive, get out there and work opportunities. You are on a cheap as chips website with fierce competition.I really don’t know how to break this down any further. Do something now that makes tomorrow better. If not tomorrow, then the day after. Who care about the last month? You’re focusing on past performance instead of tomorrow’s performance.Just because Fiverr says it will work, it doesn’t mean it will. Fiverr’s got it made. It has a constantly updating, constantly moving and acitvating base of users creating content and not moving offsite and selling all the time. Their interest is making you focus on them. Focus on your business and Fiverr as a PLATFORM on which you do it. Don’t praise Mammon–and never, ever trust a freelance platform. They’re getting fat and wealthy off your sweat, blood and toil.If anything, you should be worshipped. But then again, this world is very unfair.
jjservices Posted November 30, 2016 Author Posted November 30, 2016 Yeah businesses are gearing up for chirstmas. Let’s hope for the best and keep moving
jjservices Posted December 1, 2016 Author Posted December 1, 2016 Thanks a lot for your suggestions. Okay I will try to improve my weaker gigs. I will keep track of seo this month. And from now on I will work more technically and consciously. I hope that my sales will increase with the passage of time. Thanks a lot 🙂
jjservices Posted December 1, 2016 Author Posted December 1, 2016 Yeah you’re absolutely right.We have to focus on tomorrow not yesterday. And yeah the platform is getting rich just because of freelancers.
Guest uktask Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 DON’T LOSE HOPE.KEEP ON PUTTING IN YOUR BEST.ORDERS WILL COME.
jjservices Posted December 1, 2016 Author Posted December 1, 2016 Yeah I’m working hard… And I’m hopping for the best 🙂
seoranks1 Posted December 2, 2016 Posted December 2, 2016 Take some Rest Dude N Enjoy…You will get more new Orders Very Soon…seoranks1
Guest annastacianjeri Posted December 2, 2016 Posted December 2, 2016 Hey sorry to hear that. I am new to fiverr just got my account published. How does it work?
jjservices Posted December 2, 2016 Author Posted December 2, 2016 Yeah I’m getting new orders. Cheers 🙂
jjservices Posted December 2, 2016 Author Posted December 2, 2016 Publish as many gigs as you can. Secondly send buyer requests on daily basis and you will start getting orders. Also please put a gig video in your gig. It will boost up your sales
jjservices Posted December 2, 2016 Author Posted December 2, 2016 Publish as many gigs as you can. Secondly send buyer requests on daily basis and you will start getting orders. Also please put a gig video in your gig. It will boost up your sales.
dianagrigore Posted December 2, 2016 Posted December 2, 2016 I don’t really agree with ‘publish as many gigs as you can’. When you just created your profile, it’s better to concentrate on growing one gig and as time passes and people get to know you, they will purchase a second gig that you put up.
jjservices Posted December 2, 2016 Author Posted December 2, 2016 I mean that you should post as many gigs as you can related to one category. It will improve your visibility at fiverr and more view,impressions and clicks are directly proportional to sales. Like I’ve seen your profile as well. If you will add more gigs of retouching it will get more sales. More gigs = High visibility.
jonbaas Posted December 2, 2016 Posted December 2, 2016 Only 1-2 buyers of the ten that you send an offer to in Buyer Request will even look closely at your offer. Relying on Buyer Requests to be you marketing model is a terrible idea. I’ve been on the buyer side. I’ve seen utterly terrible offers from almost everyone who has ever sent me a Buyer’s Request offer.Don’t rely in Buyers Request offers. Market and promote your gigs elsewhere. Focus on a few gigs, make them stand out. A few strong, targeted, well-marketed gigs for services you are highly skilled at, will ALWAYS have better results than as many sub-par gigs as you can make, just to have many gigs on your profile.And, as I’ve told you in another forum, videos are not a guarantee of more sales. Videos are merely a way for buyers to learn more about the services that you offer. They are a tool, not a guarantee.
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