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Fiver Update: Buyer feedback change. Should be a popup on the main site


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We can now! Hmmm…maybe. If it would be written in a way that would make it really hard to misunderstand that. There could be more popups too! ‘Please give your seller a 5 star review if you were pleased or very pleased with their work, as anything less than 5 stars might cause other buyers not to order from them and they´ll be gone from fiverr next time you want to re-order with them!’-popups, ‘Hiya, don´t bother clicking the forum the next 3 days! We´re banging on ****!’-popups, ‘Please do read your seller’s FAQ, even if you don´t talk English, you still might be able to guess a few things!’-popups, ‘Hey, nice to see you again, today everything works, it´s a great day and we love you all!’-popups…yeah, let there be popups!

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On another post someone is complaining because they mutually cancelled a late order (?) and they got slammed with a 1-star review (the usual one for that situation). They were blaming this new system.

Anyway, there’s this page (which I think is new?) http://support.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/201505116

I think it is new, as it goes into a lot more depth than I remember. This bit seems to indicate that buyers now have to put a bit more legwork into cancelling their order:

Buyers must use Fiverr Resolution Center to address their concerns and desired resolution related to the service provided by their seller prior to contacting Customer Support. Customer Support will not take any action against Orders where the buyers failed to inform their seller of issues related to the seller’s service and will allow sellers to provide a resolution first. This does not include non-permitted usage of Fiverr.

It’s not quite feedback changes (http://support.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/201505046-Feedback-Removal-Policy), but that page linked to here.

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From my point of view those things all should be spelled out as clearly as possible to avoid confusion/uncertainty/wrong expectations on both sides, but I fear not doing that may be due to an underlying fear that then the business of buyers who pay 5$, expect 50$ service, and get it, because some sellers just rather do that than get 0$, would fall apart then. IMO that might well be offset by more business from buyers who prefer to clearly know the rules and all and rather avoid places that seem too ‘mushy’, but that’s just my opinion, of course. Maybe someone hoards numbers and resolve case discussions and such that speak a different language.

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When I read the pop-up, it said that buyers will now only be able to change a review which they have already placed if sellers go through the resolution center. (I think that was the jist of it).

Now, at first I thought this sounded fine. I never ask buyers to change reviews. However, if this means that sellers now have to open disputes on orders to have a review changed, wouldn’t this mean that buyers just end up getting work FOC? I say this as an unanswered dispute will automatically cancel an order in 3 days. i.e. Seller opens a dispute saying “WTF! I just gave you a brand new e-commerce website for $50!” - Buyer doesn’t respond and the order cancels.

Also, now sellers who go to CS asking for reviews to be removed (for good reason) will (if I read the pop up correctly) be directed first to the resolution center.

Sounds like a CS cop out to me. Just a way of saying you fix it and leaving sellers at the mercy of the occasional, “you will undertake unlimited revisions, resistance is futile” like buyers.

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I’ve seen many sellers praising this update on our local fb group but I can’t understand why?
Sometimes you have to offer a revision or even a refund to satisfy your buyer and to remove the feedback (which was only because the buyer didn’t liked it). Sometimes buyer posts negative review without knowing that free revision is also included and then they edit the review into 5 stars after getting the revised delivery.

Now the initial feedback is all what we get and also can’t contact resolution too often as our accounts would be blocked.

I think fiverr wants to stop this ‘refund thing’ indirectly.

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