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Mayday! Mayday!


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Back from vacation mode, it’s been 6-7 hours and my Gigs are still not visible. Sent a message to customer support, let’s see what happens. Is this the beginning of my end on Fiverr? I don’t know, but even if it is, no regrets! Thanks for everything Fiverr, whatever happens. Will never say a bad word against something that has given me so much - not just money, I’ve made good money here, but more importantly, I got back my self-esteem. Now whatever happens, I’m in a better frame of mind than I was 3 years ago, and am ready and willing to take on new challenges. 🙂

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The last time I did Vacation Mode for longer than 5 days it took about 3 days for my gigs to appear in search again. I’ve used VM for a day and had them show up in three or four hours, so it seems to me that the longer I’ve had it set, the longer it takes for them to go back up. I don’t know if that applies to you, but maybe!

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I’ve read about gigs not appearing in search after coming back from vacation mode. I’ve used vacation mode in the past before and
I had no problems, but reading about this happening to you I am a bit worried since I am planning to go on vacation mode myself soon.
Keep us updated!

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Well, apparently gigs going invisible doesn´t only happen after vacation mode. However in both cases one can only wish fiverr is working on it full speed. I don´t think you have any reason for a ‘Mayday’ call though, for one, CS will react, and for another, you surely have repeat customers who are savvy enough to find you. 🙂 Nice post though either way.

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Febrile sycophancy for a multinational corporation aside, it’s well known that going on vacation mode/pausing gigs plummets you down into the dark depths of Hades. Personally, I opt to just extend gig deadlines and/or raise prices to control orders and avoid such situations. Such behavior can also be painted as never-ending passion and dedication for Our Great Company And All Who Sail In It, as well as highlighting the supernatural ability of sellers to work 24/7/365 like some creative automaton.

One imagines the temporary (or not so temporary, in some cases) lack of visibility is due to incurring the wrath of the captains of the ship who severely punish such mutiny and slacking off.

Or something. 6-7 hours is a little early to be pestering CS, I’d say. I’d leave it a week and inquire then.

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Mayday Mayday… writer is making everybody crazy with his post again.

I already thought your house burned down or something. Chill out and relax…now you have time to exercise !!!

I bet in a few days we will be reading another post telling us how many orders you have and how busy you are. Want to bet? 🙂

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Do you mean that your sales still haven’t recovered? I must admit that at the moment I really need a break and to hit the vacation button for a week or so, I’m just too paranoid because of past ‘oh well, time to build up the entire career again’ experiences.

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Consider setting your allowed orders in queue number really really low instead maybe? That shouldn´t really have much effect I’d think. You could even leave it higher than really really low for say your tip gig, or something you´d get so much from that you´d be okay having it intrude in your break week, to make sure having all gigs on really low won´t do anything like trigger a vacation effect.

I took Miss Crystal’s post though more the humorous way, I hope I´ve been right with that lol!

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