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New Fiverr seller!


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Hi, I’m Ross & I am a graphic designer. I joined recently and have just set up my first gig - selling banners for Twitter/Facebook accounts.

I’m posting here to ask whether there’s anything that could be changed, or anything else I could do, to help improve my gig & the likelihood of getting sales.

Thanks in advance, I appreciate any help you can give me.

The gig:

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Hi Ross,

First of all welcome to Fiverr’s World.

First thing first you have to work on your impression rate and that depends on so many factors like the Heading of your gig, description of your gig, portfolio etc.

I saw your gig https://www.fiverr.com/rosscoombs/create-a-twitter-header-for-you-or-your-business?utm_source=forum&utm_medium=community and I want to tell you that your heading is average, I think you should use some attractive keywords for it for eg. Creative, Amazing, Awesome etc.

Content in your description is great but the important points should be bold in it.
As long as you spend your time here on fiverr you’ll be able to do superb freelancing here.

Happy Freelancing 🙂

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Hello Ross,

Right off the bat, I would say try use more spacing so it doesn’t look so clumped. I like to state what I do in about 2-3 bold, sentences, self-contained in a separate paragraph, which will draw the eye of the buyer there first, providing him the main information he is looking for, rather than being over stimulated with excessive use of bold and highlights.

Another idea might be to provide further visual approach, say a screenshot from twitter exhibiting an example of your banner.

Additionally I find your avatar very professional, you are a polite manner and it is only a matter of time till you get some gigs coming in, it took me a month to even get my first one. Keep in mind though that design is very very competitive to break into. So always keep an eye on the best gigs and try pick up some pointers on what they are doing right.

Dedication and constant review of your gigs really pays off in the long run. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask.

Kind regards,

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Guest offlinehelpers

Hi Ross,

Can a suggest you reduce your delivery time?

If you go for 24 hours rather than 5 days, you’ll get your gig marked as ‘Express Delivery’ - this can encourage buyers to order, and also gets spur of the moment sales - we all love near instant gratification these days!

Hope this helps!


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Hi Ross,
Welcome to fiverr. In order to learn the techniques to get sell,you may read the below article.
favicon.icoFiverr Forum http://forum.fiverr.com//images/default-apple-touch-icon.png

What are the best ways to promote fiverr gigs based on experience? [ARCHIVED]

Hi. What are the best ways that works for you on getting sales from your fiverr gigs? Any head-on would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

Reading time: 2 mins ? Likes: 6 ❤

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