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My Goal for 2017


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Hello? I´m wondering if this comment will appear.

Okay, I saw it does.

Hi dude, how are you? I have nothing to do today so I thought to stop by here, checking out what´s happening, etc. I was watching the podcasts for a bit too.

My plan for 2017 is to continue my dog channel on Youtube. I don´t have any big plans. I think I can stick to making videos for a while now, it is fun and the stars are my own dogs. I will travel too sometimes, but I always travel anyway sometimes, so it is not some kind of resolution. One more thing, I´m not gonna have more dogs for a long time now. What we have now is enough 🙂

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I haven’t worked as hard this month as I usually do, wasted a lot of time on Indian and US politics, watched too many news channels, got obsessed with Twitter, and guess what, I feel so tired. Work actually relaxes me, it’s the time I spend not working that stresses me. So I am grateful for Fiverr, and once I come off vacation mode, it will be the same as my 2nd year on Fiverr - 15 hour/ 16 hour work days with an hour of exercise. Look forward to it!

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Hey, good to know you’re having fun. I am not so excited by the Fiverr forum all that much either. There’s nothing new to tell. I am not allowed to talk about what I really want to talk about - politics - so it’s got very boring for me here. Will search for your YouTube channel 🙂

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Perhaps I will try getting more and more sales in here, spend more time with my twitter account about quotes which is currently 99% automated, spend some time with my family, partially get back to my admin post in gtaforums and err… can`t remember much for now. Will just do what the time needs me to do. 😉

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