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If I cancel an order, does it make any negative effect in my profile rating?


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Hello Friends, I am new arrival in Fiverr. My question is, If I cancel an order, does it make any negative effect in my profile rating?

I got an order which offer was made by me but problem is, the data are quite not available in internet for security purpose. As a result, I am just giving my time in the project without any result. In this situation I want to cancel this order but I am really concern about profile rating. What is the safest way to cancel any order? What if client doesn’t cancel the order. Please friend give me a proper advice.

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hello amnabadhan! cancellation of any order will definitely affect your profile rating, it takes your gig down the list but in some cases cancellation is just the right option. in your own case you can still contact the buyer and explain truthfully to the buyer the situation on ground, try to ask him/her for favour of extending your delivery time, I’m sure he/she will agree if you table your explanation well. Then use the “Resolve now” button in the interface where you manage your orders (the interface that describes everything about the order). extend the delivery and the buyer will need to accept the modification to show he/she agrees… Try that, it has worked for me before.

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Hi deeman16, Thanks for your valuable advice. I did send him message several times but he didn’t response though he was online. It was so unexpected and my problem wasn’t solved even i couldn’t discuss with him as he didn’t respond at me. So I just cancel the order with proper explanation but still he didn’t accept my cancellation!

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