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Request Gigs™ - Advice


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I joined fivver yesterday, and it has been a great experience. In the past i had created a account and some gigs that were never even ordered, but this time this has changed complete because I find out about the Request Gigs™, so I began using it to contact potential buyers of my gigs, and I have had two orders with a excellent review with this method and right know I am working in two more. So I am making this discussion to give you some advice in using this.

-First of all this is a great method to make your gigs known

  • Respond Politely to the possible buyer, and explain why should he or she use your gig.
  • Include a link to your personalized gig for the buyer convenience
  • If the buyers asks you for a preview sample try to give a example with water mark to ensure that they wont copy your ideas or your work.
  • Don´t use Pre-made messages because costumers will think its spam and you could be banned
  • Don´t put personal contact info (that is against the rules of fivver you will be banned)

    So there is my advice use it wisely, and i hope it helps you.

    Have a nice Day.


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