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How to avoid buyer who order without giving any information of what they want

Guest phantompower

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Guest phantompower

So many people often complain about, how a buyer made an order then disappeared without leaving any information of what they want. Fiverr already put up measures to avoid this. Most of my buyers have to provide information or else the clock won’t start ticking.

So here is how you make the buyer leave enough information.
When you are creating your gig there is a page where you are asked to state what you need before you start. On this page (say you are recreating a buyers logo) state you need

  1. An already existing logo… then click the add button.
  2. Information on what the buyer wants
    You can add all the details you like here.

After you have made all your requirements here, no buyer will be able to simply place an order without leaving enough information on what they want.

I hope this helps out sellers who don’t want to cancel orders because they did not get enough info.

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It`s not a tip.
Order requirements feature was launched many months/year ago.

Anyways when this topic is made then I will add some real tips(you can say tricks) that you can follow to stop that timer when the buyer hadn’t provided you enough information in the order requirements.

  1. Go to the resolution center and make a dispute requesting to increase the time limit. This will stop the timer until either the buyer accepts/rejects it. (Make sure to mention that you did so to stop your time limit until enough information was provided)

  2. Contact CS to increase/stop the timer.

There is also a 3rd way to stop the timer i.e. to make a basic/draft delivery(you can use the word “dummy”), but it is too risky to try on. So, stay away from this one.

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Guest phantompower

Did you read and understand what I wrote? I said it’s a tip because many sellers are not utilizing it to the full potential. Going to the resolution and asking the buyer to extend the time is not a guarantee that they will actually extend it, CS can’t extend the time unless you and the buyer have agreed to do so, basically cs will just cancel the order.
The only way to stop the order from going through without enough info is to use the order requirements.

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Guest phantompower

The whole point is that, a buyer has placed an order and left without giving any specific info on what they want. Now, you can’t deliver the order because you have no idea what to deliver, since there wasn’t any information left. Most sellers at this point contact CS to cancel the order so as to avoid late delivery.
But, if the buyer had set up all the requirements the seller should provide, the clock would not start to count if they are not all provided by the buyer, hence there won’t be any reason to contact CS to cancel the order.

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Guest phantompower

Dude I am not looking for any criticism.If you don’t think what I provided is a good enough tip, you can as well hit the road or provide one that is better.

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Most of the complaints I see from sellers are from those who already have mandatory requirements set up. I have mine set up as described too, the buyer cannot start the order without putting something in requirements.

The problem arises when a buyer types something invalid/useless in the requirements. I’ve had buyers that write things like “Hi” or “Will send later” or “See attachment/link” and any of those will start the clock.

My requirements are easy to understand and about 85% of buyers provide them fine. If they send me a greeting or a mention on sending later and choose extra fast, it can be hard to reach them for real requirements. If they tell me to see a link or attachment, that’s fine if it’s safe, but some buyers send things I will not open.

For me, this means either using @taverr’s resolution center tip or or prodding the buyer for data. Sometimes it still ends in cancellation because the buyer doesn’t understand or disappears. Worst case scenario, the buyer doesn’t accept a cancellation offer either and a forced cancel puts a dent in your stats.

Either way, I see reasonable suggestions in this thread so there is no need for being adversarial. I don’t think any of the ideas offered will solve every situation, but please stop arguing. I’d rather read the tips themselves than spam, a fake tip begging for orders, or the arguments.

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Buyers who do it often end up with nothing and little recourse. It’s a bad idea unless it’s a long time buyer/seller relationship where the trust level is high for good reasons.

The seller takes risk too, since they can end up with a post-completion dispute or a bad review. I wouldn’t suggest empty deliveries for either party.

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Guest phantompower

There are some buyer especially if you send an offer to a buyer who placed a buyers request, will simply click on place order then leave. But with the requirements set up correctly the buyer will get notified that they have not provided all the required information for the real job to get started. For sure it doesn’t solve all of the problems but at least it solves some of them.

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I’m not talking about buyers who don’t write any requirements. I’m talking about the ones who write something useless there. Even so, for any seller who doesn’t have at least one mandatory requirement, your tip is valid and I don’t know why you got hassled over your tip.

I see (and often remove) plenty of junk tips or copy/paste tips. Your tip is fine. I don’t think many sellers have an incorrect setup, though, so the tip applies in few scenarios.

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