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Why people sell so cheap?


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Hi fonthaunt, I really apreciated your comment/feedback. I think fiverr is a great marketplace, in a consistent change and selfimproving.
Is not always about supply and demand, it’s about credibility, customer care and general experience.
As you said, for each sellers that leaves sooner, gives me some advantages.
If you are consistent with your work, I’m sure that people will come to you, because top rated sellers and level 2 sellers dont have phisical time to take care of each order that is placed on fiverr, so here is our shot.
Good luck to all

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  • 5 months later...

there’s couple reason I know:

  1. some seller from other countries, $5 worth 1 ~3 hr to them.

2.there’s some scammer use tool to finish the works.such as:

article: after copy and paste, use some to tool work on it, the article will be 100% naturely.

Links: There’s a lot of tool can post links automatically.

about others, I don’t purchase a lot, so I’m not sure about it.

The point is we never know seller use tool to do it or manually to do it.
if manually to do it, of course should higher than $5, but if use tool to do it, it worth nothing.

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