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So, What's Happening in your Life?


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Well, there is a dust ball or two blowing through the forum at the moment. Hear that? Yes, all there is at the moment is the ‘please help me mek sells’ whispers of want to be communists.

In this case, has anyone got anything to share? Has anything interesting happened in anyone’s life recently aside from them being awarded a nice big shiny tax compliance certificate? (Sorry Writer but that literally is the biggest personal news and conversation piece we have had in a while).

So what’s up? Come on, just splat out something random. Any takers?

Guest thevideostore

I think half the country is still crying and the other half are still celebrating 🙂
The forum has been obnoxiously slow for me. It only feels like it works 30% of the time.


Ah, you’re talking about the big old Trump. He who hath slew the militant millennial and left liberal America whining "why oh why can we not have things our way?

Well, if it’s any consolation, there’s no way Trump will ever be inaugurated. However, even if he is, I don’t really get the aggravation.

Come to America = Get Visa

What’s so hard about that?

As for the forum, yes, as well as being slow if feels sterile.

That said, maybe everyone is just too busy trying to get a green card before the orange curtain finally descends on the good old U.S. of A?


I have been playing scrabble, fighting a crap buyer (the order is now 1 month “late”!) and hacking my lungs up with this year’s end-of-season bug.

In other words, dull as ditchwater.


Well, at least you will always have your scandalousness if not your health.

I don’t fight buyers, I just tell them to F-off.

Here too, though, life is boring. I’m starting to wish I did my Cyprus move if only to have a few new random expats to moan, tease, and cheer away the days with.

I’m in ghost town central right now, with literal ghosts.


The forum has been slow lately due to outages and other issues. This thread is a good conversation, but political threads have repeatedly turned bad. The forum team would appreciate it if we could stay away from politics right now. @videostore, this isn’t directed at you alone and you may not have realized this was an issue.

Andy (Cyaxrex) made a great opener by asking what is going on in people’s lives and I bet that can be accomplished without discussing taxes or politics. 🙂 Thanks!


Question for @writer99025: I think I read in a previous post somewhere that you turn on “Vacation Mode” often because you get too busy and need to restrict orders. Out of curiosity, have you ever tried the “limit orders” feature? If so, how did that work out?


My Dad is in his eighties he found an old rubiks cube in a closet and started trying to remember how to solve it. He was having trouble, so I suggested that he try a YouTube video with instructions. He had been trying, but having little luck. Today I stopped by and he showed me the cube “solved” with all the colors solid on each side. I noticed that the stickers were loose and crooked. He explained that he had taken most of the stickers off and put them back on make the cube look solved.

He said it wasn’t cheating because he realized that someone had deliberately mixed up the stickers to fool him. By putting the stickers back on, he had solved it and “fixed” it. I asked him who would have messed an old rubiks puzzle on purpose. He said that he thought it was probably my brother in law (who has been married to my sister for 35 years) because the guy had always seemed a little shady. [insert facepalm emoji here]

Anybody else have a crazy family?


I’ve been trying both on and off for the last 6 months. I would advise against using either of them, as that really hurts your position in search results. I have no choice because I have regulars who make 30 article orders.


I´ve noticed that, when I walk through the park, there´s, apart from me, almost only people with a) dogs, b) baby strollers or c) walking canes.


I’ve been working on a government grant application.
The grant would give me just over 2 day’s wages per week for almost two years. The grant’s aim is to enable me to have time to grow and expand my business. Not sure it’s going to happen but will be amazingly useful if it does!


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