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Star rating issue on mobile app


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It happened to me several times, I got less then five stars. When I have asked if I could have done better, I always go the same response: They did mean to give me 5 stars, but they pressed it wrong.
These users are ALWAYS using the mobile app only.
Also, when they want to edit their feedback, they can’t, the app does not give this option. (To my surprise), many people use the app exclusively, despite the shortcomings of the app.

Can you fix this? Either give the option to modify feedback on the app, or arrange the star ratings in a way they can’t press it wrongly.


Yes I’ve had that happen. They give 4.5 stars and when I ask about it they change it to 5 and say they thought they left 5 the first time.

Also I hope the forum can fix that issue with all the attachments that get added to some posts.


Oh now that´s a really bad shortcoming of the app then, in a system that relies so heavily on ratings and ‘punishes’ based on them. Can´t upvote your suggestion, as atm those buttons are all gone once more, but here´s my support for this anyway. Please do change that, dear Fiverr team.


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