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Did Everybody Make It?


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And so the great darkness of the forum outage came to pass. The only question is, did everybody make it through the long dark night of not being able to rant about and berate the world to any witch, copywriter, tarot card reader, or how do I mek sel monkey that would be willing to listen?

Questions left over from before the fall:

Did Esther eventually decide to dress like her neighbours to out insane them like I suggested?

Has writer been awarded Indian tax payer and overall best man of the year by Modi yet?

Will or won’t the forum embrace the dreaded big red up and down vote button?

And what eventually happened to Rkd7676 - whatever his name was (sorry) who’s account got unceremoniously banned, seemingly without a legitimate reason?

Oh, and how the hell is everyone?

Best wishes to you all and well done to the forum team for what I am guessing was a stressful few days.

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I read somewhere that if you’d placed a £5 bet on Brexit, Trump and Leicester City to win/lose/events last year, you’d be £15 ($19) million richer today.

Alas, if only I had known. That’s a lot of gigs…

What improbable events are on the horizon for 2017? We should do a pool.

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Economic chaos and war followed by aliens. That’s the plan. In fact, I’m pretty sure aliens are on the cards as I live in a bit of a hotspot for UFO’s - or at least it has been for the past year.

Betting wise, I’m still on my bitcoin drive. The key will be to get out at the right time before it goes bust.

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Well the playbook way things go, there is a huge war and economic collapse ended with aliens rocking up with loads of space cash to make everything better.

My own experience starts with an alcoholic woman who asked me if I’d seen many ufo’s since moving here about a year ago. I said no at the time but a wee bit later saw a bright silver ball turn invisible overhead at a bbq. Since then, I’ve seen a huge bright light go over and a star which for some reason looked odd, only for it to move a few minutes later and shoot down at an angle toward some nearby apartment building.

The thing which got me in the latter case, was that the ufo acted more like it was alive than a machine (like a falcon suddenly stooping after seeing prey) and must have only been the size of a big yoga ball.

Anyway, if you look up long enough you see loads of weird stuff over here.

As for little green men, that whole meme/idea is actually based on a kid in Newcastle (UK) in the 40’s who was abducted but escaped and ran to a policeman screaming “there’s little grey men everywhere.” The only problem was that the policeman misunderstood ‘grey’ for ‘green’ - hence the meme.

Personally, I don’t believe that the aliens are aliens. but that’s a whole other story.

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Well, after crying a river until no tears were left anymore, I got used to it, but I actually did miss it, it does give the whole fiverr thing some personality, and I do love to read some people’s posts for relaxing coffee or tea breaks inbetween getting work done.
But now I´m kinda sad I didn´t try R2D2 for username. Ah right, minimum 6 letters, is why I ended up with 3 ‘i’ after all. Well then, good, no reason to be sad anymore.
votes OP up, just to celebrate that the buttons are back too

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It’s very bad luck to give up on a new familiar. Besides dogs are so much better than people for companionship than humans and Internet people. They always want to take you out, never moan about work or money, never so much as think about straying and are just pure love-ness.

What’s he or she called? What breed? How’s your first days been together?

My dog was a rescue and our first weeks were, "mmmhhh, I’m not sure what to make of you… How about I just shamelessly hump this cushion while staring desolately at you before peeing by the dining table even though I kind of know I shouldn’t?’

Now we are inseparable and every day he gets a little bit more human.

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I had a scotch black terrier as a kid, the kindest and funnest little guy. Oh the memories of our long walks along the rivershore, his gay barks and antics and…and the smell of his sparkly raven fur, once he´d inevitably found the only dead fish for miles and miles and rolled in it.
Dogs are great though.

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